# Veli

Data validation library for Elixir.

## Installation

the package can be installed by adding `veli` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:veli, "~> 0.2.3"}

## Documentation

Documentation is avaible at [HexDocs](

## Example

The following example taken from veli tests.

form_validator = %Veli.Types.Map{
  rule: %{
    "username" => [
      # Validation
      nullable: false,
      type: :string,
      min: 3,
      max: 32,
      match: ~r/^[a-zA-Z0-9_]*$/,
      # Errors
      _nullable: "Username field not found.",
      _type: "Username must be a string.",
      _min: "Username is too short.",
      _max: "Username is too long.",
      _match: "Username must only contains alphanumeric characters."
    "age" => [
      # Validation
      nullable: false,
      type: :integer,
      min: 13,
      # Errors
      _nullable: "Age field not found.",
      _type: "Age must be an integer.",
      _min: "Age must be at least 13."
  error: "Form must be an object."

form = %{"username" => "john", "age" => 16}
Veli.valid(form, form_validator)

## Contributing

Please don't send any pull request to master branch.

You can report bugs or request features [here](

Always use `mix format` before sending a pull request.

## License

Released under the MIT License.