# Quick guide on erlport Python API
You can read more about this in the [erlport documentation](http://erlport.org/docs/python.html)
You can find the default data types mapping [here](http://erlport.org/docs/python.html#data-types-mapping)
## Creating an encoder/decoder
The function passed to the snake_manager's erlport_encoder should be a main function containing everything you will setup further.
from erlport.erlang import set_decoder, set_encoder, set_message_handler
from erlport.erlterms import Atom
def main_encoder():
return Atom("ok".encode("utf-8"))
### An Encoder is a function that handles conversion PYTHON -> ELIXIR
Here is an example of encoding a simple class
> While this is possible, a better way would be to handle them in a function that returns this type directly.
from dataclasses import dataclass
from erlport.erlterms import Atom
class Cat:
name: str
color: str
favorite_snacks: list[str]
# By default erlport converts regular strings into charlists.
# We can handle most of the cases by encoding strings into utf-8 with a simple function like this.
def encode_basic_type_strings(data):
if isinstance(data, str):
return data.encode("utf-8")
elif isinstance(data, list):
return [encode_basic_type_strings(item) for item in data]
elif isinstance(data, tuple):
return tuple(encode_basic_type_strings(item) for item in data)
elif isinstance(data, dict):
return {key: encode_basic_type_strings(value) for key, value in data.items()}
return data
def encoder(value: any):
if isinstance(value, Cat):
# We .__dict__ the class and normalize it's key,values.
# Erlport will convert this dict into a Map
return {
Atom(encode_basic_type_strings(key)): # Convert the keys to atoms
encode_basic_type_strings(val) # utf-8 Encode strings inside
for key, val in value.__dict__.items()
# If none matches we encode strings, and return
return encode_basic_type_strings(value)
### A decoder is a function that handles conversion ELIXIR -> PYTHON
Here is an example of decoding elixir's parameters
from erlport.erlterms import Atom, Map
def decoder(value: any):
# Elixir strings convert to bytes, we can decode them into utf-8 strings.
if isinstance(value, bytes):
return value.decode('utf-8')
if isinstance(value, Map):
# If its a Map custom type we decode bytes into utf-8 strings
return {
key.decode("utf-8"): [v.decode("utf-8") for v in val]
for key, val in value.items()
# if none get caught we just return the raw inputs
return value