# Verbalex

[![Hex pm](](

Verbalex is a library for creating complex regular expressions with the reader & writer in mind.
It does not aim to replace Elixir's already excellent [Regex]( module for operating on regex. Instead, it focuses only on building the `~r/regexes/` themselves.

alias Verbalex, as: Vlx

protocols = ""
  |> Vlx.find("http")
  |> Vlx.maybe("s")
  |> Vlx.then("://")
  |> Vlx.capture_as("protocols")
  |> Regex.compile!()

# ~r/(?<protocols>(?:http)s?(?::\/\/))/

Regex.named_captures(protocols, "")
# %{"protocols" => "https://"}

## Installation

def deps do
    {:verbalex, "~> 0.2.0"}

## Docs

Documentation can be found at [](

## Acknowledgements

Verbalex is essentially an Elixir port of the popular [Verbal Expressions]( family of libraries, while also taking some inspiration from [Simple Regex](

Thanks to Max Szengal for laying down the groundwork in 2013 with [ElixirVerbalExpressions](

## Contributing

For issues, comments or feedback please first [create an issue](