# Verbs (pre-alpha)

English verb conjugation in Elixir.

Conjugates most common English verbs for all persons, tenses, standard aspects, and modern moods (with active diathesis). Standard and exceptional spelling rules are obeyed.

Verbs.conjugate :be, :tense => :past, :person => :second, :plurality => :singular
iex> "were"

Verb.conjugate "sleep" :tense => :future, :person => :first, :plurality => :singular
"will sleep"

## Installation

Add this line to your mix.exs dependencies:
{ :dep_from_git, git:, tag: "0.5.3"},
or from Hex:

def deps do
    {:verbs, "~> 0.5.4"}

## Parameters
Parameters aren't optional; tense, person and plurality are required.  Option values are atoms.

__:tense__ `:past, :present, :future, :present_progressive, :past_progressive, :past_perfect`

__:person__  `:first, :second, :third`

__:plurality__ `:singular, :plural`

## Tense/aspect quick reference

    EXAMPLE                   TENSE

    I accepted                past
    I had accepted            past perfect
    I was accepting           past progressive

    I accept                  present
    I have accepted           present perfect
    I am accepting            present progressive

    I will accept             future
    I will be accepting       future   progressive

## Acknowledgements

* (Andy Rossmeissl - rossmeissl/verbs)[]
* (Lingua::Conjugate)[]
* (Pat Byrd and Tom McKlin)[]
* (Rick Harrison)[]
* (Anatoli Makarevich)[] for (#6)[]

## Copyright

Copyright (c) 2018 Shannon E. Wells. See LICENSE for details.