# Versionary

Add versioning to your Elixir Plug and Phoenix built API's

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## Installation

The package can be installed by adding `versionary` to your list of dependencies
in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
  [{:versionary, "~> 0.2.0"}]

## Usage

def MyAPI.MyController do
  use MyAPI.Web, :controller

  plug Versionary.Plug.VerifyHeader, versions: ["application/"]

  plug Versionary.Plug.EnsureVersion, handler: MyAPI.MyErrorHandler

## MIME Support

Versionary can verify versions against media types configured within the
application by using `Versionary.Plug.VerifyHeader`'s `:accepts` option.

config :mime, :types, %{
  "application/" => [:v1]

def MyAPI.MyController do
  use MyAPI.Web, :controller

  plug Versionary.Plug.VerifyHeader, accepts: [:v1]

  plug Versionary.Plug.EnsureVersion, handler: MyAPI.MyErrorHandler

Please note that whenever you change media type configurations you must
recompile the `mime` library.

To force `mime` to recompile run `mix deps.clean --build mime`.

## Usage with Phoenix

Versionary is just a plug. That means Versionary works with Phoenix out of the
box. However, if you'd like Versionary to render a Phoenix error view when
verification fails use `Versionary.Plug.PhoenixErrorHandler`.

defmodule MyAPI.Router do
  use MyAPI.Web, :router

  pipeline :api do
    plug Versionary.Plug.VerifyHeader, accepts: [:v1]

    plug Versionary.Plug.EnsureVersion, handler: Versionary.Plug.PhoenixErrorHandler

  scope "/", MyAPI do
    pipe_through :api

    get "/my_controllers", MyController, :index

## Plug API

### [Versionary.Plug.VerifyHeader](

Verify that the version passed in to the request as a header is valid. If the
version is not valid then the request will be flagged.

This plug will not handle an invalid version.

#### Options

`accepts` - a list of strings or atoms representing versions registered as
MIME types. If at least one of the registered versions is valid then the
request is considered valid.

`versions` - a list of strings representing valid versions. If at least one of
the provided versions is valid then the request is considered valid.

`header` - the header used to provide the requested version (Default: `Accept`)

### [Versionary.Plug.EnsureVersion](

Checks to see if the request has been flagged with a valid version. If the
version is valid, the request continues, otherwise the request will halt and the
handler will be called to process the request.

#### Options

`handler` - the module used to handle a request with an invalid version
(Default: [Versionary.Plug.ErrorHandler](

### [Versionary.Plug.Handler](

Behaviour for handling requests with invalid versions. You can create your own
custom handler with this behaviour.