# Versioning

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Versioning provides a way for API's to remain backward compatible without the headache.

This is done through use of a "versioning schema" that translates data through a series
of steps from its current version to the target version. This technique is well
described in the  article [APIs as infrastructure: future-proofing Stripe with versioning](

The basic rule is each API version in the schema must only ever concern itself with
creating a set of change modules associated with the version below/above it. This
contract ensures that we can continue to translate data to legacy versions without
enormous effort.

## Installation

The package can be installed by adding `versioning` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:versioning, "~> 0.2.0"}

## Documentation

See [HexDocs]( for additional documentation.

## Example

For a more in-depth example, please check out the [Getting Started]( page.

# We build a schema to manipulate data in our API across different versions.
defmodule MyAPI.Versioning do
  use Versioning.Schema

  version("1.2.0", do: [])

  version "1.1.0" do
    type Post do

  version("1.0.0", do: [])

# We build a change module to perform data modifications.
defmodule MyAPI.V1.Post.StatusChange do
  use Versioning.Change

  @desc """
  The boolean field "active" was removed in favour of the enum "status".

  def down(versioning, _opts) do
    case Versioning.pop_data(versioning, :status) do
      {:active, versioning} -> Versioning.put_data(versioning, :active, true)
      {_, versioning} -> Versioning.put_data(versioning, :active, false)

  def up(versioning, _opts) do
    case Versioning.pop_data(versioning, "active") do
      {true, versioning} -> Versioning.put_data(versioning, "status", "active")
      {false, versioning} -> Versioning.put_data(versioning, "status", "hidden")
      {_, versioning} -> versioning

# We create versionings to run against of schema. Here, we want to change our
# post data from version 1.2.0 to 1.0.0
versioning ={}, "1.2.0", "1.0.0")

# We can then run our versioning against the schema, which will return a modified
# versioning with our change modules run.