# Viewplex

A convenience library that allows you to further separate your views into scoped components.

## Installation

Add `viewplex` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:viewplex, "~> 0.3.0"}

Documentation can be be found at [](

## Usage

### Components

Create new components by `use`-ing the `Viewplex.Component` module and creating a corresponding template with the same name:


defmodule LabelComponent do
  use Viewplex.Component


Hello World!

You can also use inline templates:

defmodule LabelComponent do
  use Viewplex.Component

  def render(_assigns), do: ~E"Hello World"

Then, call your component inside a template:

<%= component LabelComponent %>

> Remember to `import Viewplex.Helpers` in your views.

### Naming Conventions

Components should follow the same convention as Elixir modules.  
So, if you have a `MyAppWeb.Components.LabelComponent` module, the file should be located at: `my_app_web/components/label_component.ex`. We also support (and encourage) prefixing the component module name with "Component", following the existant naming convention for Phoenix's views and controllers.

#### Filtering assigns

Like Structs, Components can also define fields:

defmodule LabelComponent do
  use Viewplex.Component, [:message]

<%= component LabelComponent, message: "Hello World" %>

Fields defined in the component will be available as an assign in your template:

<label><%= @message %></label>

This should allow you to simply pass down a map of assigns that will be filtered before actually invoking the component:

<%= component LabelComponent, assigns %>
#### Content blocks and slots

You can also pass aditional content to your components in two ways:


<%= component LabelComponent, "Hello World" %>

Or using do-blocks:

<%= component LabelComponent do %>
  Hello World
<% end %>

Content passed like this will be available as an assign under the `:content` key:

<label><%= @content ></label>

Using named slots:

<%= component LabelComponent do %>
  <% slot(:message, "Hello World") %>
<% end %>

<label><%= @slots.message ></label>

> Notice that we are using `<%` instead of `<%=`. This is necessary because if you output the return of the `slot/2` function, you'll actually be rendering its content inside the component's block.  
> This happens because Viewplex will scan the component block for `slot/2` function calls and then extract the slot content so it is available in the template. This means that if you pre-render the slot in any form we won't be able to extract the proper values. 

#### Mouting

You can also customize how components are mounted by overriding the `mount/1` function:

defmodule LabelComponent do
  use Viewplex.Component, [:message]

  def mount(assigns) do
    user = Users.get_user(assigns.user_id)
    {:ok, Map.put(assigns, :user, user)}


Or disabling the component entirely by returning an `{:error, reason}` tuple:

defmodule LabelComponent do
  use Viewplex.Component, [:message]

  def mount(assigns) do
    case Users.get_user(assigns.user_id) do
      nil -> {:error, "could not fetch user"}
      user ->  {:ok, Map.put(assigns, :user, user)}

## Todo's

- [ ] Improve documentation
- [ ] Add real use-cases as examples
- [ ] Improve function typespecs
- [x] Publish to Hex
- [ ] Scaffold and setup tasks
- [ ] Component documentation generation
- [ ] Add test samples to README
- [x] Log mount errors using Logger