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# Viktor

> "Function over form."

Viktor is an Elixir interface to Riot Games' League of Legends API named after a character in the game.

## Prerequisite

> "Join the glorious evolution."

Sign up for an API key at [Riot Games Developer] site.

## Installation

> "Pave the way."

Add viktor to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
  [{:viktor, "~> 0.0.8"}]

Ensure viktor is started before your application:

def application do
  [applications: [:viktor]]

Test in iex:

mix deps.get
iex -S mix

## Usage

Set the `RIOT_API_KEY` environment variable.

export RIOT_API_KEY=whatever_key_rito_assigned_you

Viktor uses Elixir's [Agent] to manage the API key between requests, so you must call `start_link/0`.

If `RIOT_API_KEY` is set


You may also set the key using `start_link/1`


## Examples

I'm in the process of making this a little more pleasant by providing the functions off the root module. These examples will work, but see the [documentation] for details.

champion_list = Viktor.champions("na")
champion_list_free_week = Viktor.champions("na", true)
champion_by_id = Viktor.champion("na", 1)
champion_mastery_score = Viktor.mastery_score("na", 21066)
champion_mastery_champion = Viktor.champion_mastery("na", 21066, 1)
champion_mastery_champions = Viktor.champion_masteries("na", 21066)
champion_mastery_3_topchampions = Viktor.top_champion_masteries("na", 21066)
champion_mastery_5_topchampions = Viktor.top_champion_masteries("na", 21066, 5)
current_game = Viktor.current_game("na", 21066)
featured_games = Viktor.featured_games("na")

All that's left are the tournament endpoints!

## Other API Libraries

Be sure to check out the other libraries out there!


[Riot Games Developer]: