

## Endpoints

* [Get Access Points](#get-access-points)
* [Configure SSID Priority](#configure-ssid-priority)
* [Configure an SSID](#configure-an-ssid)
* [Delete an SSID configuration](#delete-an-ssid-configuration)
* [Get Configurations](#get-configurations)
* [Get Configuration Status](#get-configuration-status)
* [Apply](#apply)
* [Complete the Configuration Process](#complete-the-configuration-process)

### Get access points

This request returns a list of known access points and their properties. Hidden
access points are not returned.

Path: `/api/v1/access_points`

Method: `GET`

Response: Array AccessPoint

Response Code: `200`

#### Response

    "ssid": "Free WiFi!",
    "frequency": 2437,
    "band": "wifi_2_4_ghz",
    "channel": 6,
    "flags": ["ess"],
    "signal_percent": 100,

    "ssid": "Imperial Star Destroyer",
    "frequency": 5755,
    "band": "wifi_5_ghz",
    "channel": 151,
    "flags": ["wpa2_psk_ccmp", "ess"],
    "signal_percent": 75

### Configure SSID priority

This endpoint takes a list of SSIDs. Each SSID is tried in order until a
successful connection is made. It is not required to list all configured SSIDs.

Path: `/api/v1/ssids`

Method: `PUT`

Request: `Array String`

Response: Empty

Response Code: `204`

### Example

#### Request

  "Millennium Falcon",
  "Death Star",

### Configure an SSID

Set connection parameters for an `SSID`.

Path: `/api/v1/<ssid>/configuration`

Method: `PUT`

Request: `WiFiConfiguration`

Response: Empty

Response Code: `204`

### Example

#### Request


  "key_mgmt": "wpa_psk",
  "password": "Chewbacca"

#### Errors

If the configuration is passed is invalid the endpoint will return with a `400`
status with one of the below errors:

  "error": "password_required",
  "message": "A password is required for wpa_psk access points."

If the configuration is provide a `key_mgmt` field and there is no provided

 "error": "password_too_short",
 "message": "The minimum length for a password is 8."

If the password is less than `8` characters long as outlined in the
IEEE Std 802.11i-2004 specification.

  "error": "invalid_characters",
  "message": "The password provided has invalid characters."

If the password contains characters that are not valid ASCII.

  "error": "password_too_long",
  "message": "The maximum length for a password is 63."

If the password is greater than `63` characters long as outlined in the
IEEE Std 802.11i-2004 specification.

### Delete an SSID configuration

Delete the configuration attached to an SSID

Path: `/api/v1/<ssid>/configuration`

Method: `DELETE`

Request: Empty

Response: Empty

Response Code: `200`

### Get configurations

Get the current known configurations.

Path: `/api/v1/configurations`

Method: `GET`

Request: Empty

Response: `Array WiFiConfiguration` - Passwords are filtered

Response Code: 200

#### Request

    "ssid": "Millennium Falcon",
    "key_mgmt": "wpa_psk"

### Get configuration status

Get the current status of the configuration. This is useful after using
the `/api/v1/apply` endpoint to figure out if the configurations that
were provided work or not.

Path: `/api/v1/configuration/status`

Method: `GET`

Request: Empty

Response: `ConfigurationStatus`

Response Code: 200

### Apply

A POST to this endpoint applies the configuration and attempts to connect to the
configured WiFi networks. This will return back to AP mode and you can use the
`/api/v1/configuration/status` endpoint to get whether or not the configuration
worked or not.

Path: `/api/v1/apply`

Method: `POST`

Request: Empty

Response: Empty

Response Code: `202`

### Complete the configuration process

Finalize the configuration process. This will apply the configuration and
not return to AP mode.

Path: `/api/v1/complete`

Method: `GET`

Request: Empty

Response: Empty

Response Code: `202`

## Types

### AccessPoint

  "ssid": String,
  "signal_percent": 0..100,
  "frequency": Integer,
  "band": Band,
  "channel": Integer,
  "flags": Flags

### Band

This is the WiFi radio band that the access point is using.


### Flags

Flags are reported by access points. They can be used to know whether a password
is required to join the network. Example flags are `"wpa2"`, `"psk"`, and
`"eap"`. Flags are documented in the [`vintage_net_wifi`

### KeyManagement

Key management is an interpretation of the `Flags` that determines what
information that the user needs to provide to connect to the access point.  For
hidden access points where the `Flags` are unavailable, the user will need to
pick one of these.

"none" - No security
"wpa_psk" - WPA or WPA2 with a pre-shared key
"wpa_eap" - WPA or WPA2 with a username and password

### WiFiConfiguration

This specifies how to connect to one WiFi access point. The `ssid` and
`key_mgmt` fields are required. Depending on the `key_mgmt`, `password` may be

  "ssid": String,
  "key_mgmt": KeyManagement,
  "password": Optional String

### ConfigurationStatus

not_configured - No configuration attempts have taken place
good - A configuration was applied and is working
bad - A configuration was applied and is not working