# Vix [![](](

Vix is Elixir extension for [vips](

Vix is a **NIF bindings** for libvips. Operation binding are generated using GObject introspection, so documentation and bindings are up-to-date with the vips version installed. It uses dirty IO scheduler to avoid blocking schedulers.

Check [vips operation documentation]( for the list of available operations and spec.

### What is Vips

*(from vips documentation)*

> libvips is a [demand-driven, horizontally threaded]( image processing library. Compared to similar libraries, [libvips runs quickly and uses little memory](

See [libvips documentation]( for more details.

### Example

alias Vix.Vips.Image
alias Vix.Vips.Operation

def example(path) do
  {:ok, im} = Image.new_from_file(path)

  # put im at position (100, 100) in a 3000 x 3000 pixel image,
  # make the other pixels in the image by mirroring im up / down /
  # left / right, see
  {:ok, im} = Operation.embed(im, 100, 100, 3000, 3000, extend: :VIPS_EXTEND_MIRROR)

  # multiply the green (middle) band by 2, leave the other two alone
  {:ok, im} = Operation.linear(im, [1, 2, 1], [0])

  # make an image from an array constant, convolve with it
  {:ok, mask} =
    Image.new_matrix_from_array(3, 3,
        [-1, -1, -1],
        [-1, 16, -1],
        [-1, -1, -1]
      scale: 8

  {:ok, im} = Operation.conv(im, mask, precision: :VIPS_PRECISION_INTEGER)

  # finally, write the result back to a file on disk
  :ok = Vix.Vips.Image.write_to_file(im, "out.jpg")

The [libvips reference manual]( has a complete explanation of every method.

### Simple *unscientific* comparison with mogrify

For generating thumbnail

|   | Vix       | Mogrify   |
| 1 | 298.731ms | 618.854ms |
| 2 | 29.873ms  | 605.824ms |
| 3 | 34.479ms  | 609.820ms |
| 4 | 31.339ms  | 604.712ms |
| 5 | 32.526ms  | 605.553ms |

Notice that the gain is significant for the subsequent calls to the operation since vips [caches the operations](

### Warning

This library is experimental, untested, and unstable. Interface might change significantly in the future versions. The code is not well tested or optimized, so you might experience crashes.

### Requirements

* libvips
* pkg-config
* c compiler

## Installation

def deps do
    {:vix, "~> x.x.x"}

### TODO
- [ ] support `VipsConnection`
- [ ] move GObject-introspection to a separate library
- [ ] support all remaining vips types