
defmodule Vix.Tensor do
  alias Vix.Vips.Image

  @moduledoc """
  Struct to hold raw pixel data returned by the libvips along with metadata about the binary.

  Useful for interoperability between other libraries like [Nx](, [Evision](

  See `Vix.Vips.Image.write_to_tensor/1` to convert an vix image to tensor.

  @typedoc """
  Type of the image pixel when image is represented as Tensor.

  This type is useful for interoperability between different libraries. Type value is same as [`Nx.Type.t()`](


  @type tensor_type() ::
          {:u, 8}
          | {:s, 8}
          | {:u, 16}
          | {:s, 16}
          | {:u, 32}
          | {:s, 32}
          | {:f, 32}
          | {:f, 64}

  @typedoc """
  Struct to hold raw pixel data returned by the Libvips along with metadata about the binary.

  `:names` will always be `[:height, :width, :bands]`

  @type t() :: %__MODULE__{
          data: binary(),
          shape: {non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer()},
          names: list(),
          type: tensor_type()

  defstruct data: nil,
            shape: {0, 0, 0},
            names: [:height, :width, :bands],
            type: {}

  @doc """
  Convert Vix image pixel format to [Nx tensor type](

  Vix internally uses [libvips image
  format]( To
  ease the interoperability between Vix and other elixir libraries, we
  can use this function.

  @spec type(image :: Image.t()) :: tensor_type() | no_return()
  def type(image) do
    image |> Image.format() |> nx_type()

  defp nx_type(:VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR), do: {:u, 8}
  defp nx_type(:VIPS_FORMAT_CHAR), do: {:s, 8}
  defp nx_type(:VIPS_FORMAT_USHORT), do: {:u, 16}
  defp nx_type(:VIPS_FORMAT_SHORT), do: {:s, 16}
  defp nx_type(:VIPS_FORMAT_UINT), do: {:u, 32}
  defp nx_type(:VIPS_FORMAT_INT), do: {:s, 32}
  defp nx_type(:VIPS_FORMAT_FLOAT), do: {:f, 32}
  defp nx_type(:VIPS_FORMAT_DOUBLE), do: {:f, 64}

  defp nx_type(other),
    do: raise(ArgumentError, "Cannot convert this image type to binary. Found #{inspect(other)}")