
defmodule Vtc.Framestamp.ParseError do
  @moduledoc """
  Exception returned when there is an error parsing a Timecode value.

  ## Struct Fields

  - `reason`: The reason the error occurred.

  ## Failure Reasons

  The following values can appear in the `:reason` fields:

  - `:unrecognized_format`: Returned when a string value is not a recognized
      timecode, runtime, etc. format.

  - `:bad_drop_frames`: Returned when parsing SMPTE, drop-frame timecode. Indicates that
     the 'frames' field represents a frame that should have been dropped.
  defexception [:reason]

  @typedoc """
  Type of `Framestamp.ParseError`.
  @type t() :: %__MODULE__{
          reason: :unrecognized_format | :bad_drop_frames | :drop_frame_maximum_exceeded | :partial_frame

  @doc """
  Returns a message for the error reason.
  @spec message(t()) :: String.t()
  def message(%{reason: :unrecognized_format}), do: "string format not recognized"

  def message(%{reason: :bad_drop_frames}),
    do: "frames value not allowed for drop-frame timecode. frame should have been dropped"

  def message(%{reason: :partial_frame}), do: "`seconds` is not cleanly divisible by `rate.playback`"

  def message(%{reason: :drop_frame_maximum_exceeded}), do: "frame number exceeded 24 hours for drop-frame timecode"