# Vx
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The Elixir schema validator.
## Installation
If [available in Hex](https://hex.pm/docs/publish), the package can be installed
by adding `vx` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:vx, "~> 0.1.0"}
## Usage
With Vx, you have the capability to define schemata for validating complex data
You first need to define your schema.
schema = Vx.String.t()
After that, you can call `Vx.validate/2` or `Vx.validate!/2` to check if a given
values matches:
Vx.validate(schema, "foo")
# :ok
When the value does not match, an error is returned (or raised, respectively),
indicating the specific issue.
Vx.validate(schema, 123)
# {:error, %Vx.Error{...}}
Vx.validate!(schema, 123)
# ** (Vx.Error) must be a string
Additional constraints can be added to certain types by piping everything
|> Vx.Number.gteq(3)
|> Vx.Number.lt(7)
You can combine multiple types and constraints to validate more complex
"name" => Vx.String.t(),
"age" => Vx.Number.t(),
"hobbies" =>
|> Vx.List.non_empty(),
"type" => Vx.Enum.t(["user", "admin"]),
"addresses" => Vx.List.t(Vx.Struct.t(Address))
## Docs
Take a look at the [documentation](https://hexdocs.pm/vx) to find out available
types and options.