# W3WS
Ethereum websocket library for Elixir

The current focus of this project is on consuming events from the Ethereum
blockchain over websockets.
## Goals
1. Provide an easy to use library for listening to ethereum events via websockets.
2. Completely abstract away the need to deal with processes in Elixir.
3. Support loading of ABIs at runtime.
4. Support multiple subscriptions through a single listener.
5. Support different ABIs for each subscription.
6. Automatically decode events when a corresponding ABI is available.
7. Always pass the event to the handler, even when it cannot be decoded.
8. Support starting of multiple listeners pointing to different websocket urls.
9. Support integration with distributed supervisors for clustered environments.
## Installation
The package can be installed by adding `w3ws` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:w3ws, "~> 0.2.1"}
## Usage
Documentation can be found at <https://hexdocs.pm/w3ws>.
### Event Listener
Configure the listeners for your application:
# in your config.exs
config :my_app, W3WS, listeners: [
# the uri of the ethereum jsonrpc websocket server
uri: "ws://localhost:8545",
# enable block ping every 10 seconds. this will cause the listener to
# fetch and log the current block every 10 seconds. the last fetched block
# will be available from `Listener.get_block/1`. Defaults to `nil` which
# disables block ping.
block_ping: :timer.seconds(10),
# a helper setting for dealing with finicky local nodes (ie hardhat) where the
# server stops sending subscription events after some time. setting this to
# a number of milliseconds will cause the listener to unsubscribe and resubscribe
# all configured subscriptions every `resubscribe` milliseconds. Defaults to `nil`
# which disables resubscribing.
# https://github.com/NomicFoundation/hardhat/issues/2053
resubscribe: :timer.minutes(5),
# subscriptions to setup on this websocket connection. each listener
# can support many subscriptions and will call the corresponding handler
# for each subscription event, using the provided subscription abi, if any,
# to decode events for the subscription.
subscriptions: [
# one of `abi` or `abi_files` is necessary to decode events.
# neither are required if you jsut want to listen for encoded events.
abi: abi, # decoded json abi
abi_files: ["path/to/abi.json"], # list of paths to abi json files
# an optional `context` to provide in the `W3WS.Env` struct for any events
# received from this subscription. Defaults to `%{}`.
context: %{chain_id: 1},
# handler to call for each received event. can be either a module which `use`s
# `W3WS.Handler` and defines a `handle_event/1` function, an anonymous function
# which accepts a `%W3WS.Env{}` struct, or an MFA tuple. In the MFA tuple case
# the arguments will be a `%W3WS.Env{}` struct followed by any arguments provided.
# defaults to `W3WS.Handler.DefaultHandler` which logs received events.
handler: MyApp.Handler,
# a list of log event topics to subscribe to for the given subscription. this is
# optional. not passing `:topics` will subscribe to all log events. See
# https://ethereum.org/en/developers/tutorials/using-websockets/#eth-subscribe
# documentation for more details. If an abi is provided you can use short-hand event
# names or event signatures (e.g. `Transfer(address,address,uint256)`) as topics.
# Short-hand is also supported in nested "or" topics. Regardless of providing an abi,
# you can always use hex topics (e.g.
# `0x0148cba56e5d3a8d32fbcea206eae9e449ec0f0def4f642994b3edcd38561deb`).
topics: ["Transfer"],
# address to limit the subscription to. this is optional. if not provided
# events will be received for all addresses.
address: "0x73d578371eb449726d727376393b02bb3b8e6a57"
Add the `ListenerManager` to your supervision tree:
# in your application.ex
children = [
{W3WS.ListenerManager, otp_app: :my_app}
Supervisor.start_link(children, strategy: :one_for_one)
### Replay Events
Replay events for a set of blocks.
abi_files: abi_paths,
uri: uri,
from_block: 1_000_000,
chunk_size: 10_000,
chunk_sleep: 5_000,
handler: MyApp.Handler,
replays: [
[address: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", topics: ["Transfer"]],
[address: "0x9999999999999999999999999999999999999999", topics: ["Mint"]]
address: "0x5555555555555555555555555555555555555555",
from_block: 1_500_000,
handler: MyApp.SwapHandler,
topics: ["Swap"]
Add a replay task to your task supervisor:
abi_files: abi_paths,
uri: uri,
from_block: 1_000_000,
chunk_size: 10_000,
chunk_sleep: 5_000,
handler: MyApp.Handler,
replays: [
[address: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", topics: ["Transfer"]],
[address: "0x9999999999999999999999999999999999999999", topics: ["Mint"]]
address: "0x5555555555555555555555555555555555555555",
from_block: 1_500_000,
handler: MyApp.SwapHandler,
topics: ["Swap"]
### Handler
Define a handler:
defmodule MyApp.Handler do
use W3WS.Handler
@impl W3WS.Handler
def handle_event(
decoded?: true,
event: %Event{name: "Transfer", data: %{"from" => from}}
}) do
Logger.debug("received Transfer event from #{from}")
Each handler is executed in an unlinked process so handler errors will not bring down
the calling process. Events are not retried on failure so be sure your handler
properly handles errors or queues event processing into a resilient framework. The
listener does not wait on the handler to complete. If serial processing of events is
important to you, you will need to handle this yourself. The return value from the
handler is ignored.
### RPC Calls
It is also possible to use the underlying `W3WS.Rpc` API directly. This is a lower-level library
which does no ABI decoding. If you want to subscribe to logs and receive decoded events use
`W3WS.Listener` or `W3WS.ListenerManager`. If you want to get past decoded events use `W3WS.Replayer`.
Perform synchonous calls:
{:ok, rpc} = W3WS.Rpc.new(uri: "ws://localhost:8545")
{:ok, %{"result" => block_number}} = W3WS.Rpc.send_message(rpc, W3WS.Message.eth_block_number())
Perform asynchronous calls:
{:ok, rpc} = W3WS.Rpc.start_link(uri: "ws://localhost:8545")
receipt = W3WS.Rpc.async_message(rpc, eth_block_number())
receive do
{:eth_response, ^receipt, response, request} ->
Logger.debug("received response")
Subscribe to events:
{:ok, rpc} = W3WS.Rpc.start_link(uri: "ws://localhost:8545")
# synchronous subscribe
{:ok, %{"result" => subscription}} = W3WS.Rpc.send_message(rpc, W3WS.Message.eth_subscribe_logs([]))
# or async subscribe
receipt = W3WS.Rpc.async_message(rpc, W3WS.Message.eth_subscribe_logs([]))
receive do
{:eth_subscription, event} ->
Logger.debug("received subscription")
See the [documentation](https://hexdocs.pm/w3ws) for additional usage.
## Caveats
- Because of the way listener processes are identified, if you start two `W3WS.Listener`s
with identical configuration through one or more `W3WS.ListenerManager`s, the second
`W3WS.Listener` will likely fail to start. If you start them directly with
`W3WS.Listener.start_link/1` this will not be a problem.
## Project State
- There is a decent test suite which exercises much of the library functionality.
- Testing has been done against a real Ethereum node (hardhat and alchemy).
- No performance testing has been done. If you have a performance problem, please
open an issue. If you do performance testing and want to report results for
inclusion here please open an issue.
- This library is under active development and is subject to change without notice.
- Semantic versioning will not be followed until the library is stable.