# WAMPexClient
WAMPexClient is a client library for the [WAMP protocol](https://wamp-proto.org/index.html). It pairs quite nicely with [WAMPexRouter](https://gitlab.com/entropealabs/wampex_router).
This client library currently implements the [Basic Profile](https://wamp-proto.org/_static/gen/wamp_latest.html#basic-and-advanced-profiles) and some features of the Advanced Profile
Transport support is currently only available over WebSocket
MessagePack and JSON serialization are both supported
## Basic Profile
### Session
- [x] HELLO
- [x] ABORT
- [x] ERROR
### PubSub
- [x] EVENT
### RPC
- [x] CALL
- [x] YIELD
- [x] RESULT
## Advanced Profile
### Authentication
### RPC
- [x] Progressive Call Results
- [x] Progressive Calls
- [x] Call Canceling
- [ ] call_timeout
- [ ] caller_identification
- [ ] call_trustlevels
- [ ] registration_meta_api
- [ ] pattern_based_registration
- [ ] shared_registration
- [ ] sharded_registration
- [ ] registration_revocation
- [ ] procedure_reflection
### PubSub
- [ ] subscriber_blackwhite_listing
- [ ] publisher_exclusion
- [ ] publisher_identification
- [ ] publication_trustlevels
- [ ] subscription_meta_api
- [ ] pattern_based_subscription
- [ ] sharded_subscription
- [ ] event_history
- [ ] topic_reflection
### Authentication
- [x] WAMP-CRA
- [x] WAMP-Cryptosign
- [x] Password authentication
- [ ] Ticket authentication
- [ ] Cookie authentication
### Other
- [ ] rawsocket transport
- [ ] batched WS transport
- [ ] longpoll transport
- [ ] session meta api
## Installation
You can find the package on hex.pm here, https://hex.pm/packages/wampex_client
def deps do
{:wampex_client, "~> 0.1.9"}
## Documentation
Module documentation is light at the moment, but everything has specs and passes Dialyzer testing.
## Usage
You can see a full example app, emulating a Smart Home and backend system [here](https://gitlab.com/entropealabs/wampex_example_app)
Currently the only transport supported is WebSockets, but raw TCP is planned for the near future.
WAMPex defaults to WebSocket as the transport and MessagePack as the serialization format.
A simple [Session](https://wamp-proto.org/_static/gen/wamp_latest.html#sessions) can be configured like so.
alias Wampex.Client.{Realm, Session}
alias Wampex.Role.{Callee, Caller, Publisher, Subscriber}
url = "http://localhost:4000/ws"
realm = %Realm{name: "com.myrealm"}
roles = [Callee, Caller, Publisher, Subscriber]
session = %Session{url: url, realm: realm, roles: roles}
Wampex.Client.start_link(name: Connection, session: session)
The name can be anything you want, it is required, and must be unique among multiple WAMPex instances. See the [example application](https://gitlab.com/entropealabs/wampex_example_app) for an example of running multiple connections/sessions.
There are behaviours for transports and serializers if you wanted to write your own.
You can override the default serializer and transport like this.
alias Wampex.Client.Session
alias Wampex.Client.Realm
alias Wampex.Role.{Callee, Caller, Publisher, Subscriber}
alias Wampex.Serializers.JSON
alias Wampex.Client.Transport.WebSocket
url = "http://localhost:18080/ws"
realm = %Realm{name: "com.myrealm"}
roles = [Callee, Caller, Publisher, Subscriber]
session = %Session{url: url, realm: realm, roles: roles, protocol: "wamp.2.json", serializer: JSON}
Wampex.Client.start_link(name: Connection, session: session)
The protocol uses a registered [WebSocket subprotocol](https://wamp-proto.org/_static/gen/wamp_latest.html#websocket-transport), there are several values available. You need to ensure that the [Router](https://wamp-proto.org/_static/gen/wamp_latest.html#peers-and-roles) that you connect to also supports the subprotocol.
### Implementation Details
WAMPex currently maps each session to a seperate transport connection. This means there is a new connection per instance of WAMPex.
Internally WAMPex uses [Registry](https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/Registry.html#module-using-as-a-pubsub) for local PubSub. Subscriptions and Callees are registered with separate Registry instances, partitioned over the available system CPU cores.
The Session management is handled by a state machine, written using [StatesLanguage](https://github.com/citybaseinc/states_language). You can view the specification in [priv/session.json](priv/session.json).
You can copy and paste the JSON into the JSON input at https://citybaseinc.github.io/states-language-editor/ to edit and visualize the state machine.
## Local Development
Happy hacking ;)