# want

Erlang and Elixir library for performing easy type conversions. The Elixir interface
is now a lot more complex than the Erlang one; supporting schema-based conversions between
container types along with validation and default values.

# Example Usage

Basic conversion between types in Erlang.


1 			= want:integer( "1" ),
1.0 		= want:float( "1" ),
"1.0"		= want:string( 1 ),
<<"1.0">>	= want:binary( 1 ),
true		= want:boolean( "true" ),

Basic conversion between types in Elixir.


{:ok, 1}    = Want.integer("1")
1           = Want.integer!("1")
{:ok, 1.0}  = Want.float("1")
1.0         = Want.float!("1")
{:ok, "1"}  = Want.string(1)
"1"         = Want.string!(1)
{:ok, true} = Want.boolean("true")
true        = Want.boolean!("true")


Complex type conversions in Elixir.

{:ok, 1}                                = Want.integer("foo", default: 1)
{:ok, [id: 1]}                          = Want.keywords(%{"id" => "bananas"}, %{id: [type: :integer, default: 1]})
{:ok, %{hello: "world", foo: :bar}}     ={"hello" => "world", "foo" => "bar"}, %{hello: [], foo: [type: :atom]}) 
