# Waveschainex

Waveschainex is an Elixir/Erlang client for Waves REST API.

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `waveschainex` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:waveschainex, "~> 0.1.0"}

The docs can be found at [](

## Configuration

Default setting for WAVES nodes API is ``.

To configure a custom url use the following config setings:

config :waveschainex,
  waves_node_url: "YOUR_CUSTOM_URL"

## Implemented API methods

All functions are documented, covered by tests and include typespecs.

### Address module

* `balance(client, address, _opts \\ [])`: Account's balance

### Block module

* `at(client, height, _opts \\ [])`: Get block at specified height
* `height(client, _opts \\ [])`: Get blockchain height
* `last(client, _opts \\ [])`: Get last block data
* `signature(client, signature, _opts \\ [])`: Get block for specified Base58 signature

### Asset module

* `balance(client, address, asset_id, _opts \\ [])`: Account balance by given asset
* `balances(client, address, _opts \\ [])`: Account's balances for all assets
* `details(client, asset_id, _opts \\ [])`: Provides detailed information about given asset

### Transaction module

* `info(client, id, _opts \\ [])`:  Get transaction info

### Node module

* `status(client, _opts \\ [])`: Get status of the running node
* `version(client, _opts \\ [])`: Get Waves node version