# WebDriverClient
A low-level [WebDriver] client for Elixir. This library is still a work in progress.
## Overview
WebDriverClient is designed to be a low-level library that allows projects to call WebDriver
REST APIs while abstracting away the differences between the [JWP] and [W3C] protocols. This
library is designed to be the API client for higher-level libraries, like [Wallaby] or [Hound].
{:ok, session} =
|> WebDriverClient.Config.build(protocol: :w3c)
|> WebDriverClient.start_session(%{"capabilities" => %{})
:ok = WebDriverClient.navigate_to(session, "http://dockyard.com")
{:ok, element} = WebDriverClient.find_element(session, :css_selector, ".site-nav__logo__link")
WebDriverClient.fetch_element_text(session, element) # => {:ok, "DockYard Home"}
:ok = WebDriverClient.end_session(session)
### Design considerations
* Should be a thin, well-documented API client that calls the WebDriver REST APIs.
* Should provide a main API that abstracts away the differences between the JWP and W3C
* (Future) Should provide protocol-specific APIs as an escape-hatch to access functionality
that is not common to both protocols.
* Sometimes the user will request one protocol and the server returns the other protocol. This
happens if the user sends the incorrect payload on session start, or requests an
endpoint that is not tied to an individual session (like listing sessions).
This library should gracefully handle these situations, while still notifying the user
that the wrong protocol was returned.
### What this library is not
* This is not a high-level library to be used for day to day
testing. Features like retries, pipeline commands, etc
are outside the scope of this project. These features are better
delegated to a high-level library like [Wallaby] or [Hound].
## Testing
In order to ensure the reliability of this library, test coverage is very
important. This comes through the following types of tests.
### Unit test
The unit test suite can be run with the following command.
mix test
### Integration tests
Although each webdriver implementation should be the same in theroy, it's good to double-check that this library actually works. The following webdriver implementations are supported via the test suite:
* `chromedriver`
* `phantomjs`
* `selenium_2`
* `selenium_3`
Note: This project does not start any WebDriver program. Those need to be started separately.
#### ChromeDriver
To install ChromeDriver on OS X:
$ brew cask install chromedriver
Before running test suite, start up chromedriver
$ chomedriver
Then to run the integration tests, run:
$ mix test --only integration_test_driver:chromedriver
#### PhantomJS
To install PhantomJS on OS X:
$ brew cask install phantomjs
Before running test suite, start up phantomjs
$ phantomjs --wd
Then to run the integration tests, run:
$ mix test --only integration_test_driver:phantomjs
#### Selenium
To install ChromeDriver on OS x:
$ brew install selenium-server-standalone
You also need to install the webdriver servers
For firefox:
$ brew install geckodriver
For chrome:
$ brew install chromedriver
Before running test suite, start up selenium
$ selenium-server
Then to run the integration tests, run:
$ mix test --only integration_test_driver:selenium_3
If you'd like to run only the selenium tests for chrome, run:
$ mix test --only integration_test_driver_browser:selenium_3-chrome
And to only run selenium tests for firefox, run:
$ mix test --only integration_test_driver_browser:selenium_3-firefox
##### Selenium 2
If you'd like to run integration tests for `selenium_2`, just replace `selenium_3` with
$ mix test --only integration_test_driver:selenium_2
#### Running on remote webdriver servers
Sometimes it's nice to be able to run against a remote webdriver server.
Here's an example that runs the tests against a docker container.
1. Start the docker container for the webdriver server
$ docker run -p 4446:4444 --shm-size=2g selenium/standalone-chrome:3
2. Run the tests
$ SELENIUM_3_BASE_URL="http://localhost:4446/wd/hub" TEST_SERVER_HOSTAME="host.docker.internal" mix test --only integration_test_driver_browser:selenium_3-chrome
The environment variables work like this:
* `<DRIVER_NAME>_BASE_URL` - The base url for the webdriver server to run
against. Can also use `WEBDRIVER_BASE_URL` to set this across all scenarios.
* ` TEST_SERVER_HOSTNAME` - The hostname the webdriver server should use to access
the machine that's running the test suite.
The test suite starts up a test HTTP server, but when using a remote webdriver
server, the webdriver server needs to where the test pages live. When running in
docker for Mac, the hostname of the host computer is `host.docker.internal`.
## Installation
If [available in Hex](https://hex.pm/docs/publish), the package can be installed
by adding `web_driver_client` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:web_driver_client, "~> 0.1.0"}
Documentation can be generated with [ExDoc](https://github.com/elixir-lang/ex_doc)
and published on [HexDocs](https://hexdocs.pm). Once published, the docs can
be found at [https://hexdocs.pm/web_driver_client](https://hexdocs.pm/web_driver_client).
## Documentation
Documentation can be built locally with the following command.
$ mix docs
To view documentation for pre-release APIs, docs can be built
$ MIX_ENV=docs_prerelease mix docs
It's important to note the pre-release APIs aren't public and
may change at any time.
[WebDriver]: https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/
[JWP]: https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/wiki/JsonWireProtocol
[W3C]: https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/
[Wallaby]: https://github.com/elixir-wallaby/wallaby
[Hound]: https://github.com/HashNuke/hound