# Web Push Elixir

Simple web push library for Elixir.

![GitHub Workflow Status (with event)](

## Prerequisities

* Elixir 1.15, OTP 24 / 25 / 26

## Installation

1. Add `web_push_elixir` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:web_push_elixir, "~> 0.1.0"}

2. Run mix command to generate your Vapid public and private keys:

mix generate.vapid.keys

3. Set your environment variables for your keys:

  - VAPID_PUBLIC_KEY=someVapidPublicKey
  - VAPID_PRIVATE_KEY=someVapidPrivateKey

## Usage

`WebPushElixir` provides a simple public API `send_notification/2` that accepts 2 arguments:

* `subscription`: is the subscription information received from the client.
* `message`: is a message string.

subscription = '{"endpoint":"https://some-push-service","keys":{"p256dh":"BNcRdreALRFXTkOOUHK1EtK2wtaz5Ry4YfYCA_0QTpQtUbVlUls0VJXg7A8u-Ts1XbjhazAkj7I99e8QcYP7DkM=","auth":"tBHItJI5svbpez7KI4CCXg=="}}'
message = "Some message"

WebPushElixir.send_notification(subscription, message)

For more information on how to subscribe a client, permission UX and more - have a look at [](

## Credits

Heavily inspired by [elixir-web-push-encryption](