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DSL for creating html structure straight with Elixir blocks:
use WebAssembly
builder do
html do
head do
meta http_equiv: "Content-Type", content: "text/html"
title "example"
body do
div class: "container", id: :content do
ul do
for index <- 1..3, do:
li "item #{index}"
random = :random.uniform(10)
if random == 5 do
text "Lucky! You got five"
span [style: "smiling"], "that was nice"
This results in a deeply nested list (aka [iolist])
which you can flatten or (better!) send to the socket as it is
(via [Plug] & [Cowboy] for example).
Now what can be concluded from an example above:
* you produce HTML elements by using macros inside `builder` block
* every element can be used with "flat" content argument or with a `do`-block
* element with a `do`-block means nesting
* inside such a `do`-block you have access to **full Elixir syntax**
* element attributes go first (but are optional), then the content
* attributes are Elixir keywords
* underscores in attribute keys are translated to dash signs
* you can omit brackets around attributes when using `do`-block,
but not when using flat form
* [void] HTML elements correspond to macros with only attributes
and no content argument, like `meta` above
* if you want to emit just text without surrounding html tags,
simply use `text` macro.
Isn't it beautiful? For me it is..
## Usage
WebAssembly is on [Hex], so just add `{:webassembly, "~> 0.3.0"}` to your deps
and `:webassembly` to your apps in the `mix.exs`.
More examples to come - like, how to blend it with [Plug] & stuff..
## TDD
WebAssembly aims to have 100% [test coverage].
## Thanks
Loosely inspired by [Markaby].
## License
The code is released under the BSD 2-Clause License.
[markaby]: http://markaby.github.io/
[plug]: http://hex.pm/packages/plug
[cowboy]: http://hex.pm/packages/cowboy
[iolist]: http://www.erlang.org/doc/reference_manual/typespec.html
[hex]: http://hex.pm
[void]: http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#void-elements
[test coverage]: https://coveralls.io/r/herenowcoder/webassembly