# WebLS

A Gleam library for generating sitemaps and RSS feeds and more. to meet all
your common web listing needs.

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gleam add webls

import gleam/option.{None}
import webls/sitemap.{Sitemap}

pub fn sitemap() -> String {
  let sitemap =
    Sitemap(url: "", last_modified: None, items: [
        |> sitemap.with_frequency(sitemap.Monthly)
        |> sitemap.with_priority(1.0),
        |> sitemap.with_frequency(sitemap.Weekly),

  sitemap |> sitemap.to_string()

Further documentation can be found at <>.

## Current Standards Compliance

| Protocol   | Version  | Status   |
| ---------- | -------- | -------- |
| Sitemaps   | 0.9      | Complete |
| RSS v2.0   | 2.0.1    | Partial  |
| Robots.txt | 1997 IDS | Complete |

## Utility Support

| Type       | to_string | Builder Functions | Validators |
| ---------- | --------- | ----------------- | ---------- |
| Sitemap    | Complete  | Complete          | None       |
| RSS v2.0   | Complete  | None              | None       |
| Robots.txt | Complete  | Complete          | None       |

## Development

gleam run   # Run the project
gleam test  # Run the tests

> Yes the name is a reference to the `ls` command in unix to list files