defmodule WebSock do
@moduledoc """
Defines a behaviour which defines an interface for web servers to flexibly host WebSocket
applications. It is commonly used in conjunction with the
[websock_adapter]( package which defines concrete
adapters on top of [Bandit]( and
[Cowboy](; the two packages are separate to allow for
servers which directly expose `WebSock` support to depend on just the behaviour. Users will
almost always want to depend on [websock_adapter](
instead of this package.
WebSocket connections go through a well defined lifecycle mediated by `WebSock` and
* **This step is outside the scope of the WebSock API**. A client will
attempt to Upgrade an HTTP connection to a WebSocket connection by passing
a specific set of headers in an HTTP request. An application may choose to
determine the feasibility of such an upgrade request however it pleases
* An application will then signal an upgrade to be performed by calling
`WebSockAdpater.upgrade/4`, passing in the `Plug.Conn` to upgrade, along with
the `WebSock` compliant handler module which will handle the connection once
it is upgraded
* The underlying server will then attempt to upgrade the HTTP connection to a WebSocket connection
* Assuming the WebSocket connection is successfully negotiated, WebSock will
call `c:WebSock.init/1` on the configured handler to allow the application to perform any necessary
tasks now that the WebSocket connection is live
* WebSock will call the configued handler's `c:WebSock.handle_in/2` callback
whenever data is received from the client
* WebSock will call the configued handler's `c:WebSock.handle_info/2` callback
whenever other processes send messages to the handler process
* The `WebSock` implementation can send data to the client by returning
a `{:push,...}` tuple from any of the above `handle_*` callback
* At any time, `c:WebSock.terminate/2` may be called to indicate a close, error or
timeout condition
@typedoc "The type of an implementing module"
@type impl :: module()
@typedoc "The type of state passed into / returned from `WebSock` callbacks"
@type state :: term()
@typedoc "The structure of a sent or received WebSocket message body"
@type message :: iodata() | nil
@typedoc "Possible data frame types"
@type data_opcode :: :text | :binary
@typedoc "Possible control frame types"
@type control_opcode :: :ping | :pong
@typedoc "All possible frame types"
@type opcode :: data_opcode() | control_opcode()
@typedoc "The result as returned from init, handle_in, handle_control & handle_info calls"
@type handle_result ::
{:push, {opcode(), message()} | [{opcode(), message()}], state()}
| {:reply, term(), {opcode(), message()} | [{opcode(), message()}], state()}
| {:ok, state()}
| {:stop, term(), state()}
| {:stop, term(), close_detail(), state()}
@typedoc "Details about why a connection was closed"
@type close_reason :: :normal | :remote | :shutdown | :timeout | {:error, term()}
@typedoc "Describes the data to send in a connection close frame"
@type close_detail :: integer() | {integer(), message()}
@doc """
Called by WebSock after a WebSocket connection has been established (that is, after the server
has accepted the connection & the WebSocket handshake has been successfully completed).
Implementations can use this callback to perform tasks such as subscribing the client to any
relevant subscriptions within the application, or any other task which should be undertaken at
the time the connection is established
The return value from this callback is handled as described in `c:handle_in/2`
@callback init(term()) :: handle_result()
@doc """
Called by WebSock when a frame is received from the client. WebSock will only call this function
once a complete frame has been received (that is, once any continuation frames have been
The return value from this callback are processed as follows:
* `{:push, {opcode(), message()}, state()}`: The indicated message is sent to the client. The
indicated state value is used to update the socket's current state
* `{:push, [{opcode(), message()}], state()}`: The indicated messages are sent to the client. The
indicated state value is used to update the socket's current state
* `{:reply, term(), {opcode(), message()}, state()}`: The indicated message is sent to the client. The
indicated state value is used to update the socket's current state. The second element of the
tuple has no semantic meaning in this context and is ignored. This return tuple is included
here solely for backwards compatiblity with the `Phoenix.Socket.Transport` behaviour; it is in
all respects semantically identical to the `{:push, ...}` return value previously described
* `{:reply, term(), [{opcode(), message()}], state()}`: The indicated messages are sent to the client. The
indicated state value is used to update the socket's current state. The second element of the
tuple has no semantic meaning in this context and is ignored. This return tuple is included
here solely for backwards compatiblity with the `Phoenix.Socket.Transport` behaviour; it is in
all respects semantically identical to the `{:push, ...}` return value previously described
* `{:ok, state()}`: The indicated state value is used to update the socket's current state
* `{:stop, reason :: term(), state()}`: The connection will be closed based on the indicated
reason. If `reason` is `:normal`, `c:terminate/2` will be called with a `reason` value of
`:normal`. In all other cases, it will be called with `{:error, reason}`. Server
implementations should also use this value when determining how to close the connection with
the client
* `{:stop, reason :: term(), close_detail(), state()}`: Similar to the previous clause, but allows
for the explicit setting of either a plain close code or a close code with a body to be sent to
the client
@callback handle_in({message(), opcode: data_opcode()}, state()) :: handle_result()
@doc """
Called by WebSock when a ping or pong frame has been received from the client. Note that
implementations SHOULD NOT send a pong frame in response; this MUST be automatically done by the
web server before this callback has been called.
Despite the name of this callback, it is not called for connection close frames even though they
are technically control frames. WebSock will handle any received connection
close frames and issue calls to `c:terminate/2` as / if appropriate
This callback is optional
The return value from this callback is handled as described in `c:handle_in/2`
@callback handle_control({message(), opcode: control_opcode()}, state()) :: handle_result()
@doc """
Called by WebSock when the socket process receives a `c:GenServer.handle_info/2` call which was
not otherwise processed by the server implementation.
The return value from this callback is handled as described in `c:handle_in/2`
@callback handle_info(term(), state()) :: handle_result()
@doc """
Called by WebSock when a connection is closed. `reason` may be one of the following:
* `:normal`: The local end shut down the connection normally, by returning a `{:stop, :normal,
state()}` tuple from one of the `WebSock.handle_*` callbacks
* `:remote`: The remote end shut down the connection
* `:shutdown`: The local server is being shut down
* `:timeout`: No data has been sent or received for more than the configured timeout duration
* `{:error, reason}`: An error ocurred. This may be the result of error
handling in the local server, or the result of a `WebSock.handle_*` callback returning a `{:stop,
reason, state}` tuple where reason is any value other than `:normal`
The return value of this callback is ignored
@callback terminate(reason :: close_reason(), state()) :: any()
@optional_callbacks handle_control: 2