# Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](,
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](

## [Unreleased]

## v0.10.0 (2021-12-10)

- Using new `:crypto` API: `:crypto.crypto_one_time/4` ( in the `WechatPay.Plug.Refund` module.
- Require Elixir >= 1.10

## v0.9.0 (2020-07-08)

- Require Elixir >= 1.7

## v0.8.0 (2019-04-04)

⚠️ Breaking changes

- No magic macros
- Simplified functional interface
- Added `WechatPay.API.download_fund_flow/3`.
- Added `WechatPay.API.batch_query_comments/3`.
- Added support for two sign types: `:md5` and `:sha256`.

## v0.7.1 (2019-03-19)

- Update `Mix.Tasks.WechatPay.GetSandboxSignkey` to print friendly error message.

## v0.7.0 (2018-08-30)

- Require Elixir >= 1.6
- Make the config `ssl_cacert` an optional option. (#11)

## v0.6.0 (2018-05-16)

⚠️ Breaking changes

- Update dependency `:httpoison` to `~> 1.0`.
- Added new config option `:api_host`. Which make it possible to use oversea nodes such as _ and _ This also replace the `:env` config.
- Added a flexible configuration system to fit more usage scenarios.

## v0.5.0 (2018-03-26)

- Make JSON library an optional dependency,
  [Jason]( is recommended.

## v0.4.1 (2018-03-07)

- Fixes `:xmerl` is missing in the application list.

## v0.4.0 (2018-01-23)

- Added `WechatPay.Plug.Refund` to handle refund notification from Wechat's Payment Gateway
- Parse XML with `:xmerl`, drop dependency on `sweet_xml`.

## v0.3.1 (2017-08-04)

- Added task `mix wechat_pay.get_sandbox_signkey` to get the Sandbox API Key.
- Fixes wrong return value of `WechatPay.Helper.get_sandbox_signkey/2`.

## v0.3.0 (2017-08-04)

⚠️ Breaking changes

### Guides

Guides are added on the [Online documentation](
I strongly recommend you to go through it aftre reading this changelog.

### You own implementation module

Now you have to define you own pay module, then `use` WechatPay,
with an `:otp_app` option.

defmodule MyPay do
  use WechatPay, otp_app: :my_app

Then config with:

config :my_app, MyPay,
  env: :production,
  appid: "wx8888888888888888",
  mch_id: "1900000109",
  api_key: "192006250b4c09247ec02edce69f6a2d",

This change makes it possible to define multiple pay modules with their own

### Separating payment methods

When `use` WechatPay in `MyPay` module, it will generate following
payment method modules for you:

- `MyPay.App`
- `MyPay.JSAPI`
- `MyPay.Native`

Each refers to a pay scenario of WechatPay.

### Handler

A new module `WechatPay.Handler` is added to assist processing the data from
Wechat's Payment Gateway.

Now the Plugs are only takes the responsibility to commutate with Wechat's
Payment Gateway, so you should passed in your own handler:

post "/pay/cb/payment", MyPay.Plug.Payment, [handler: MyPaymentHandler]

and the handler implementation should looks like this:

defmodule MyPaymentHandler do
  use WechatPay.Handler

  @impl WechatPay.Handler
  def handle_data(conn, data) do
    # do something with data

  # This is optional
  @impl WechatPay.Handler
  def handle_error(conn, error, data) do

### Sandbox API Key

As the Sandbox API Key is required to be fetched before configuring,
so the `WechatPay.API.get_sandbox_signkey/0` is moved to
`WechatPay.Helper.get_sandbox_signkey/2`, which accept `api_key` and `mch_id`
to generate the Sandbox API Key.

iex> WechatPay.Helper.get_sandbox_signkey("wx8888888888888888", "1900000109")
...> {:ok, "the-key"}

### SSL configuration

The `ssl_cacertfile`, `ssl_certfile`, `ssl_keyfile` and `ssl_password`
configuration are removed.

Instead, the `ssl_cacert`, `ssl_cert` and `ssl_key` configuration is added, these
new configs accepts binary. Which make it possible to read these sensitive data
from an ENV.

config :wechat_pay, MyPay,
  ssl_key: "${MY_APP_WECHAT_PAY_SSL_KEY}"

### Other changes

- Added `MyPay.App.generate_pay_request/1` to generate pay request for App.

## v0.2.0 (2017-06-17)

⚠️ Breaking changes

- Correctly handle malformed XML data.
- Added `WechatPay.Error`.
- Fixes warnings on Elixir 1.4.
- Added `WechatPay.API.get_sandbox_signkey/0` to get sandbox signkey.
- Rename `WechatPay.Plug.Notify` -> `WechatPay.Plug.Callback`, and rewrite the
  flow. Now it's easier to handle callbacks from Wehcat's Payment Gateway.
- Drop support for loading config from `{:system, ENV}`. It seems not a good
  idea to do this, consider

## v0.1.1 (2016-10-23)

- Fixes does not recognize upcase in URL.
- Improve docs.

## v0.1.0 (2016-10-19)

- Initial support Wechat Pay's JSAPI, Native and App.