# Whisk

A simple twisty puzzle scramble library, written in Elixir.

Currently supports puzzle types
- 2x2 - 7x7
- Skewb

**Please note:** Generated scrambles are not checked for WCA compliance. For any kind of WCA-compliant scrambles, use [TNoodle](

[Docs]( | [API Reference](

## Usage

iex> Whisk.scramble("3x3")
"L F2 U R D B U2 R F' R F R2 D2 B R' B' D R B U"

## Installation

def deps do
    {:whisk, "~> 0.0.1"}

## Acknowledgements
* Inspired by the [Scrambler gem](, written by [@timhabermaas](
* Thanks Lou Whiting for the name idea :)