# wisp_kv_sessions

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# Overview
wisp_kv_sessions is a key-value session management library for [Wisp](, inspired by the Rust crate [tower sessions]( This library allows you to manage user sessions with ease, storing session data in a simple key-value store. 

# Example Usage
An minimal example usage is available in `./example/app.gleam`.

import gleam/dynamic
import gleam/erlang/process
import gleam/json
import gleam/option
import gleam/result
import gleam/string_builder
import mist
import wisp
import wisp/wisp_mist
import wisp_kv_sessions
import wisp_kv_sessions/actor_store
import wisp_kv_sessions/session
import wisp_kv_sessions/session_config

pub fn main() {
  // Setup session_store
  use actor_store <-
  use cache_store <-

  // Create session config
  let session_config =
      default_expiry: session.ExpireIn(60 * 60),
      cookie_name: "SESSION_COOKIE",
      store: actor_store,
      cache: option.Some(cache_store),

  let secret_key_base = wisp.random_string(64)

  // Start the Mist web server.
  let assert Ok(_) =
    wisp_mist.handler(handle_request(_, session_config), secret_key_base)
    |> mist.port(8000)
    |> mist.start_http


pub fn handle_request(req: wisp.Request, session_config) -> wisp.Response {
  use req <- wisp_kv_sessions.middleware(session_config, req)

  case wisp.path_segments(req) {
    [] -> get_value_page(req, session_config)
    ["set"] -> set_value_page(req, session_config)
    _ -> wisp.not_found()

fn get_value_page(
  req: wisp.Request,
  session_config: session_config.Config,
) -> wisp.Response {
  // Read value to the session
  let assert Ok(key) =
    wisp_kv_sessions.get(session_config, req, "test_key", dynamic.string)

  case key {
    option.Some(k) -> {
      wisp.html_response(string_builder.from_string(k), 200)
    option.None -> {
        string_builder.from_string("No value set. Go to /set to set a value"),

// Not nessesary for this simple type 
fn encode_string(str: String) {
  json.string(str) |> json.to_string

fn set_value_page(
  req: wisp.Request,
  session_config: session_config.Config,
) -> wisp.Response {
  // Set value to the session
  let _ =

## Running the Example

To start the server, cd into /example and run `gleam run`.

Visit (http://localhost:8000) in your browser. The page should display "No value set. Go to /set to set a value."

Navigate to (http://localhost:8000/set). You will be redirected back to the main page, which will now display "something".

# Development

gleam run   # Run the project
gleam test  # Run the tests
just watch-test # Run test and reload on file changes

# Caching

A session config can be passed an optional cache parameter that is a `SessionStore`
wrapped in an `option.Option`. If the cache is `option.Some` sessions will be 
fetched from the cache. If the data is not in the cache the `store` will be 

Session data will be automatically added and removed from the cache.

# SessionStore 

A SessionStore is an type that can be used to implement different storage 
providers, such as postgres/reddis/sqlite. You can use one of the prebuild 
storage providers from down below, or implement a new one if the one you
are looking for does not exist.

For an example implementation, see `./src/wisp_kv_sessions/actor_store.gleam`.

## Existing SessionStores

### actor_store (Included by Default)
The actor_store driver is suitable for development and testing purposes, 
but not recommended for production due to its non-concurrent nature. 
Internally, it uses an [actor](, 
which may become a bottleneck under heavy loads.

*Usage Example:*

import wisp_kv_sessions/actor_store

use session_store <-

// ...
See `./example/src/app.gleam` for full example

### postgress_store
The postgres_store uses a [gleam/pgo]( 
connection to store the session information in postgres.

gleam add wisp_kv_sessions_postgres_store

import wisp_kv_sessions/postgres_store

let db = pgo.connect(pgo.default_config())
// Migrate
use _ <- result.try(postgres_store.migrate_up(conn))

// Setup session_store
use session_store <-

Further documentation can be found at <>.

### ets_store

The ets_store uses [Erlang Term Storage]( 
and [carpenter]( to store session information.
*This will NOT be persistant after restarts*. But is a good option for caching.

gleam add wisp_kv_sessions_ets_store

import wisp_kv_sessions/ets_store

// Setup session_store
use session_store <-

Further documentation can be found at <>.