# Witha
With aspect: Monad chain, like Haskell's `do` or Clojure's `cats.core/alet`.

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## Installation

Add `witha` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:witha, "~> 0.1.0"}

Witha's syntax is very similer to Elixir's [`with`](

import Witha

witha Witha.Error, x1 <- {:ok, 1}, do: x1 + 1
# {:ok, 2}

witha Witha.Error,
      [x1 <- {:ok, 1},
       x2 <- {:ok, x1 + 1}],
  do: x1 + x2
# {:ok, 3}

Witha takes pre-defined aspects `Witha.Nilable` & `Witha.Error`.

`Witha.Nilable` (Maybe) can chain `term | nil`.

witha Witha.Nilable,
      [x1 <- 1,
       x2 <- x1 + 1],
  do: x1 + x2
# 3

witha Witha.Nilable,
      [x1 <- nil,
       x2 <- x1 + 1],
  do: x1 + x2
# nil

`Witha.Error` (Either) can chain `{:ok, term} | {:error, term}`.

witha Witha.Error,
      [x1 <- {:ok, 1},
       x2 <- {:ok, x1 + 1}],
  do: x1 + x2
# {:ok, 3}

witha Witha.Error,
      [x1 <- {:error, "駄目"},
       x2 <- {:ok, x1 + 1}],
  do: x1 + x2
# {:error, "駄目"}

Similer libraries
* [ok](
* [nickmeharry/elixir-monad](