# Wordnik
A library for accessing the [Wordnik](https://developer.wordnik.com/) API
## Installation
The package can be installed by adding `wordnik` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs` and running `mix.deps.get`:
def deps do
{:wordnik, "~> 1.0.0"}
## Usage
The main functions for querying the Wordnik API can be found under the root `Wordnik` module. Most of what you will need can be found here.
Submodules such as `Wordnik.Word.Definitions` and `Wordnik.Words.RandomWord` contain the function they are named for, along with type definitions for query parameters and responses.
`Wordnik.Enums` contains type definitions for string parameter arguments expecting specific values. These values will be checked at runtime, but are also documented in the typedocs.
`Wordnik.Helpers` contains functions for returning lists of valid string arguments used in the paramaters mentioned above (dictionaries, parts of speech, etc.). These can be helpful for quickly getting a list of valid options to provide to end users, for example as select options in a UI.
## Wordnik API key
To access the Wordnik API, you will need a free API key that can be obtained [here](https://developer.wordnik.com/).
This key will need to be set as an environmental variable called `WORDNIK_API_KEY` and the wordnik library will pick it up automatically. If this key is not present the library will alert you with an error tuple:
{:error, "'WORDNIK_API_KEY' could not be loaded from environment"}
## Sample Query
iex> Wordnik.get_definitions("sublime")
{:ok, definitions_response}
## Passing Parameters
Optional parameters can be passed as a map to queries to help refine them:
iex> Wordnik.get_definitions("sublime", %{
include_tags: true,
include_related: true,
source_dictionaries: "wiktionary,webster",
limit: 5
If no parameters are needed, you can skip the params argument:
iex> Wordnik.get_definitions("sublime")
The parameter fields for each query are based on the Wordnik documentation (linked to below) but follow elixir naming conventions (snake_case). The parameters are also listed in each function's typespecs and documentation. Lastly, parameters pass validation checks and return an error tuple `{:error, error_msg}` when an invalid parameter is provided.
## API Queries
The Wordnik package supports the following queries:
### Word
- [Audio](`Wordnik.Word.Audio`) - ([Wordnik Docs](https://developer.wordnik.com/docs#!/word/getAudio))
- [Definitions](`Wordnik.Word.Definitions`) - ([Wordnik Docs](https://developer.wordnik.com/docs#!/word/getDefinitions))
- [Etymologies](`Wordnik.Word.Etymologies`) - ([Wordnik Docs](https://developer.wordnik.com/docs#!/word/getEtymologies))
- [Examples](`Wordnik.Word.Examples`) - ([Wordnik Docs](https://developer.wordnik.com/docs#!/word/getExamples))
- [Frequency](`Wordnik.Word.Frequency`) - ([Wordnik Docs](https://developer.wordnik.com/docs#!/word/getWordFrequency))
- [Hyphenation](`Wordnik.Word.Hyphenation`) - ([Wordnik Docs](https://developer.wordnik.com/docs#!/word/getHyphenation))
- [Phrases](`Wordnik.Word.Phrases`) - ([Wordnik Docs](https://developer.wordnik.com/docs#!/word/getPhrases))
- [Pronunciations](`Wordnik.Word.Pronunciations`) - ([Wordnik Docs](https://developer.wordnik.com/docs#!/word/getTextPronunciations))
- [Related Words](`Wordnik.Word.RelatedWords`) - ([Wordnik Docs](https://developer.wordnik.com/docs#!/word/getRelatedWords))
- [Scrabble Score](`Wordnik.Word.ScrabbleScore`) - ([Wordnik Docs](https://developer.wordnik.com/docs#!/word/getScrabbleScore))
- [Top Example](`Wordnik.Word.TopExample`) - ([Wordnik Docs](https://developer.wordnik.com/docs#!/word/getTopExample))
### Words
- [Random Word](`Wordnik.Words.RandomWord`) - ([Wordnik Docs](https://developer.wordnik.com/docs#!/words/getRandomWord))
- [Random Words](`Wordnik.Words.RandomWords`) - ([Wordnik Docs](https://developer.wordnik.com/docs#!/words/getRandomWords))
- [Word of the Day](`Wordnik.Words.WordOfTheDay`) - ([Wordnik Docs](https://developer.wordnik.com/docs#!/words/getWordOfTheDay))
Note: The [Reverse Dictionary](https://developer.wordnik.com/docs#!/words/reverseDictionary) and [Search](https://developer.wordnik.com/docs#!/words/searchWords) queries are currently deprecated until the upcoming v5 release of Wordnik. Once the new queries are made available they will be included in the library.
## Links
- [Wordnik](https://developer.wordnik.com/)
- [HexDocs](https://hexdocs.pm/wordnik)
- [Github Repo](https://github.com/jt-rose/wordnik)