defmodule Wordnik.Word.Examples do
@moduledoc """
examples for a given word
[Wordnik Docs](!/word/getExamples)
alias Wordnik.Formatter.Query
@typedoc """
map of optional parameters that can be passed to `get_examples/2` query
@type examples_params ::
optional(:use_canonical) => boolean,
optional(:include_duplicates) => boolean,
optional(:limit) => integer,
optional(:skip) => integer
@typedoc """
parsed JSON response to `get_examples/2` query
@type example :: %{
provider: %{
id: integer
year: integer,
rating: integer,
url: String.t(),
word: String.t(),
text: String.t(),
documentId: integer,
exampleId: integer,
title: String.t()
@type examples :: %{
examples: list(example())
@valid_params [
defp format_url(word) do
@doc """
get examples for requested word
### Parameters
- use_canonical: boolean
- include_duplicates: boolean
- limit: integer
- skip: integer
### Example
iex> get_examples("verbose", %{use_canonical: true, limit: 5})
### Response
### Wordnik Docs!/word/getExamples
@spec get_examples(String.t(), examples_params()) ::
{:error, String.t()} | {:ok, examples()}
def get_examples(word, params \\ %{}) do
{fn_name, _} = __ENV__.function
|> format_url
|> Query.validate_and_fetch_query(params, @valid_params, fn_name)