# Workbench - From Idea to Execution
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Manage your trading operation across a globally distributed cluster

## Project Goals

`workbench` strives to provide a first class development environment that brings the same 
productivity and performance benefits from the [Phoenix]( 
& [Elixir]( community to real time algorithmic and quant workflows.

## Features

### Remotely Control Trade Instances in the Cloud


### Live Portfolio Tracking & Historical Snapshots


### Watch System, Research & Trade Metrics Across Your Cluster


### Track Cold Storage


### Explore Products within the Trading Universe


## Planned Features

- Notifications
- Backtester
- Trade Execution Reports

## Requirements

- [Erlang OTP](
- [Elixir](
- [Phoenix](
- [Tai](
- [Postgres](
- [Google OAuth 2.0](

## Install

Add `workbench` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`

def deps do
  [{:workbench, "~> 0.0.3"}]

Generate migrations

$ mix workbench.gen.migration

Run migrations

$ mix ecto.migrate

## Development

You can run the app natively on the host

$ docker-compose up db
$ mix setup
$ mix phx.server

Or within `docker-compose`

$ docker-compose up

Wait a few seconds for the app to boot and you should be able to view the app at ``

## Test

$ docker-compose up db
$ mix test

Save this and re-open workbench in a private tab

## Help Wanted :)

If you think this `workbench` thing might be worthwhile and you don't see a feature 
we would love your contributions to add them! Feel free to drop us an email or open 
a Github issue.

## Authors

* [Alex Kwiatkowski]( -

## License

`workbench` is released under the [MIT license](./