# Wormhole


## Difference between v1 and v2
In v1 callback that timed-out was left to run indefinitely.
In v2, callback is terminated when it times-out.
[Read more...](docs/

## Description
Wormhole captures anything that is emitted out of the callback
(return value or error reason) and transfers it to the calling process
in the form `{:ok, state}` or `{:error, reason}`.

Wormhole invokes `callback` in separate process and
waits for message from callback process containing callback return value
if finished successfully or
error reason if callback process failed for any reason.

In case of failure, failure reason is logged with severity `warn`,
unless option `skip_log` is set to true.

If `callback` execution is not finished within specified timeout,
`callback` process is killed and error returned.
Default timeout value is specified in `@timeout`.
User can specify `timeout` in `options` keyword list.

Note: `timeout_ms` is deprecated in favor of `timeout`.

By default if callback fails stacktrace will **not** be returned.
User can set `stacktrace` option to `true` and in that case stacktrace will
be returned in response.
Note: `stacktrace` option works only if `crush_report` is not enabled.

By default there is no retry, but user can specify
`retry_count` and `backoff_ms` in `options`.
Default back-off time value is specified in `@backoff_ms`.

Note: `retry_count` specifies maximum number of times `callback` can be invoked.
More accurate name would be `try_count` but I think it would bring
more confusion than clarity, hence the name remains.

By default exceptions in callback-process are handled so that
supervisor does not generate CRUSH REPORT (when released - Exrm/Distillery).
This behavior can be overridden by setting `crush_report` to `true`.
  - Crush report is not generated in Elixir by default.
  - Letting exceptions propagate might be useful for
    some other applications too (e.g sentry client).

## Installation
Add to the list of dependencies:
def deps do
    {:wormhole, "~> 2.0"}

## Examples

### Successful execution - returning callback return value
Unnamed function:
iex> Wormhole.capture(fn-> :a end)
{:ok, :a}

Named function without arguments:
iex> Wormhole.capture(&Process.list/0)
{:ok, [#PID<0.0.0>, #PID<0.3.0>, #PID<0.6.0>, #PID<0.7.0>, ...]}
Named function with arguments:
iex> Wormhole.capture(Enum, :count, [[1,2,3]])
{:ok, 3}

Both versions with timeout explicitly set to 2 seconds:
iex> Wormhole.capture(&Process.list/0, timeout: 2_000)
{:ok, [#PID<0.0.0>, #PID<0.3.0>, #PID<0.6.0>, #PID<0.7.0>, ...]}

iex> Wormhole.capture(Enum, :count, [[1,2,3]], timeout: 2_000)
{:ok, 3}

### Failed execution - returning failure reason
defmodule Test do
  def f do
    raise "Hello"

iex> Wormhole.capture(&Test.f/0)
 {%RuntimeError{message: "Hello"},
  [{Test, :f, 0, [file: 'iex', line: 23]},
   {Wormhole, :"-send_return_value/1-fun-0-", 2,
    [file: 'lib/wormhole.ex', line: 75]}]}}

iex> Wormhole.capture(fn-> throw :foo end)
 {{:nocatch, :foo},
  [{Wormhole, :"-send_return_value/1-fun-0-", 2,
    [file: 'lib/wormhole.ex', line: 75]}]}}

iex> Wormhole.capture(fn-> exit :foo end)
{:error, :foo}


### Retry
iex> Wormhole.capture(&foo/0, [timeout: 2_000, retry_count: 3, backoff_ms: 300])

### Usage pattern
def ... do
  (&some_function/0) |> Wormhole.capture |> some_function_response_handler

def some_function_response_handler({:ok, response}) do
def some_function_response_handler({:error, error}) do