# WxEx
Elixir wrappers for the Erlang macros in the `wx` package.
this library doesn’t wrap any of `wx`’s functions, but exposes the macros for
constants like `?wxAll` as normal elixir functions (it’s not possible to call
Erlang macros from Elixir code).
## Installation
Add `wx_ex` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:wx_ex, "~> 0.1.0", runtime: false}
## Usage
### Constants
import Bitwise # to allow ORing of flags with |||
import WxEx.Constants
panel = :wxPanel.new(frame)
label = :wxStaticText.new(panel, wxID_ANY(), "A label", style: wxALIGN_RIGHT())
sizer = :wxBoxSizer.new(wxHORIZONTAL())
:wxSizer.add(sizer, label, flag: wxALL() ||| wxALIGN_CENTRE(), border: 5)
# etc
### Records
import WxEx.Records
event = wx() #=> {:wx, :undefined, :undefined, :undefined, :undefined}
wx(event) #=> [id: :undefined, obj: :undefined, userData: :undefined, event: :undefined]
## Development
This library depends on `wx_ex_compiler`, which generates source files and was
extracted to avoid circular compiler dependencies.