# X509

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Elixir package for working with certificates, CSRs and key pairs.

Requires Erlang/OTP 20.1 or later.

## Usage

Generate a self-signed CA certificate and private key:

iex> ca_key = X509.PrivateKey.new_ec(:secp256r1)
{:ECPrivateKey, ...}
iex> ca = X509.Certificate.self_signed(ca_key,
...>   "/C=US/ST=CA/L=San Fransisco/O=Acme/CN=ECDSA Root CA",
...>   template: :root_ca
{:Certificate, ...}

Use a CA certificate to issue a server certificate :

iex> my_key = X509.PrivateKey.new_ec(:secp256r1)
{:ECPrivateKey, ...}
iex> my_cert = my_key |>
...> X509.PublicKey.derive() |>
...>   "/C=US/ST=CA/L=San Fransisco/O=Acme/CN=Sample",
...>   ca, ca_key,
...>   extensions: [
...>     subject_alt_name: X509.Certificate.Extension.subject_alt_name(["", ""])
...>   ]
...> )
{:Certificate, ...}

## Installation

Add `x509` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:x509, "~> 0.1.0"}

Documentation can be found at [](