# Xandra

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> Fast, simple, and robust Cassandra driver for Elixir.

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Xandra is a [Cassandra][cassandra] driver built natively in Elixir and focused on speed, simplicity, and robustness.

## Features

This library is in its early stages when it comes to features, but we're already [successfully using it in production at Football Addicts][production-use]. Currently, the supported features are:

  * performing queries (including parameterized queries) on the Cassandra database
  * connection pooling
  * reconnections in case of connection loss
  * prepared queries (including a local cache of prepared queries on a per-connection basis)
  * batch queries
  * page streaming
  * compression
  * clustering (random and priority load balancing for now)
  * customizable retry strategies for failed queries
  * user-defined types
  * authentication

In the future, we plan to add more features, like more load balancing strategies for clustering. See [the documentation][documentation] for detailed explanation of how the supported features work.

## Installation

Add the `:xandra` dependency to your `mix.exs` file:

def deps() do
  [{:xandra, ">= 0.0.0"}]

and add `:xandra` to your list of applications:

def application() do
  [applications: [:logger, :xandra]]

Then, run `mix deps.get` in your shell to fetch the new dependency.

## Overview

The documentation is available [on HexDocs][documentation].

Connections or pool of connections can be started with `Xandra.start_link/1`:

{:ok, conn} = Xandra.start_link(host: "", port: 9042)

This connection can be used to perform all operations against the Cassandra server.

Executing simple queries looks like this:

statement = "INSERT INTO users (name, postcode) VALUES ('Priam', 67100)"
{:ok, %Xandra.Void{}} = Xandra.execute(conn, statement, _params = [])

Preparing and executing a query:

with {:ok, prepared} <- Xandra.prepare(conn, "SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = ?"),
     {:ok, %Xandra.Page{}} <- Xandra.execute(conn, prepared, [_name = "Priam"]),
     do: Enum.to_list(page)

Xandra supports streaming pages:

prepared = Xandra.prepare!(conn, "SELECT * FROM subscriptions WHERE topic = :topic")
page_stream = Xandra.stream_pages!(conn, prepared, _params = [], page_size: 1_000)

# This is going to execute the prepared query every time a new page is needed:
|> Enum.take(10)
|> Enum.each(fn(page) -> IO.puts "Got a bunch of rows: #{inspect(Enum.to_list(page))}" end)

## Contributing

Clone the repository and run `$ mix test` to make sure your setup is correct; you're going to need Cassandra running locally on its default port (`9042`) for tests to pass.

## License

Xandra is released under the ISC license, see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file.
