# Xarango

Elixir client library for ArangoDB.

## Usage

Configure xarango in `config/confix.exs`:

    config :xarango, db: [
      server: "http://localhost:8529",
      database: "test_db",
      version: 30000,
      username: System.get_env("ARANGO_USER"),
      password: System.get_env("ARANGO_PASSWORD")

Set your credentials:

    $ export ARANGO_USER=root
    $ export ARANGO_PASSWORD=secret

Run tests:

    mix test # <= beware: running tests will destroy all data in the configured database.
# Example Document

defmodule Car, do: use Xarango.Domain.Vertex, graph: :vehicles
defmodule Brand, do: use Xarango.Domain.Vertex, graph: :vehicles
defmodule Vehicles do
  use Xarango.Domain.Graph
  relationship :car, :has_brand, :brand

outback = Car.create(%{type: "Outback"})
impreza = Car.create(%{type: "Impreza"})
subaru = Brand.create(%{name: "Subaru"})
Vehicles.add_has_brand(outback, subaru)
Vehicles.add_has_brand(impreza, subaru)

Vehicles.has_brand!(outback) #=> [%Brand{...}]
Vehicles.has_brand?(subaru) #=> [%Car{...}, %Car{...}]


See tests for detailed usage examples.

## Installation

The package can be installed as:

  1. Add `xarango` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

    def deps do
      [{:xarango, "~> 0.2.0"}]

  2. Ensure `xarango` is started before your application:

    def application do
      [applications: [:xarango]]