# **We are not supporting this library anymore. We have migrated to another CouchDB due to issues while scaling up. Hope you find this work by Beno, us, and others useful. The project has been archived**
# Xarango
Elixir client library for [ArangoDB](https://www.arangodb.com).
Xarango has a low level API that maps directly to the Arango REST API. On top of that sits a `Domain` API, intended for use in applications. Examples below.
## Usage
Configure xarango in `config/config.exs`:
config :xarango, :db,
server: "http://localhost:8529",
database: "test_db",
username: System.get_env("ARANGO_USER"),
password: System.get_env("ARANGO_PASSWORD")
Set your credentials:
$ export ARANGO_USER=root
$ export ARANGO_PASSWORD=secret
Run tests:
mix test # <= beware: running tests will destroy all data in the configured database.
## Documents
defmodule Article, do: use Xarango.Domain.Document
lorem = Article.create(%{author: "Author", text: "Lorem"})
ipsum = Article.create(%{author: "Author", text: "Ipsum"})
IO.inspect lorem[:text] #=> "Lorem"
Article.one(%{author: "Author"}) #=> %Article{...}
Article.list(%{author: "Author"}) #=> %Xarango.QueryResult{result: [%Article{...}, %Article{...}]}
Article.list(%{}, [sort: :author, per_page: 10] #=> serial pagination with cursor (fast)
Article.list(%{}, [sort: :author, dir: :desc, per_page: 10, page: 1] #=> pagination with page nrs (skip, limit)
Article.search(:text, "ips"}) #=> [%Article{..}]
Article.update(ipsum, %{status: "review"})
Article.replace(lorem, %{author: "Author", text: "Foo"})
## Graphs
defmodule Brand, do: use Xarango.Domain.Node
defmodule Car, do: use Xarango.Domain.Node, graph: Vehicles, collection: :all_cars
defmodule Vehicles do
use Xarango.Domain.Graph
relationship Car, :made_by, Brand
subaru = Brand.create(%{name: "Subaru"}, graph: Vehicles)
outback = Car.create(%{type: "Outback"})
impreza = Car.create(%{type: "Impreza"})
subaru[:name] #=> "Subaru"
outback[:type] #=> "Outback"
Vehicles.add_made_by(outback, subaru)
Vehicles.add(impreza, :made_by, subaru)
Vehicles.car_made_by(subaru) #=> [%Car{...}, %Car{...}] #outbound edges for car
Vehicles.get(Car, :made_by, subaru) #=> [%Car{...}, %Car{...}]
Vehicles.made_by_brand(outback) #=> [%Brand{...}]
Vehicles.get(outback, :made_by, Brand) #=> [%Brand{...}
Vehicles.remove_made_by(impreza, subaru)
Vehicles.remove(outback, :made_by, subaru)
Car.search(:name, "imp") #=> [%Car{...}]
## Transactions
defmodule Brand, do: use Xarango.Domain.Node, graph: Vehicles
defmodule Car, do: use Xarango.Domain.Node, graph: Vehicles
defmodule Vehicles do
use Xarango.Domain.Graph
relationship Car, :made_by, Brand
alias Xarango.Transaction
|> Transaction.create(Car, %{name: "Foo"}, var: :car1)
|> Transaction.create(Car, %{name: "Bar"}, var: :car2)
|> Transaction.create(Brand, %{name: "Baz"}, var: :brand)
|> Transaction.add(:car1, :made_by, :brand)
|> Transaction.add(:car2, :made_by, :brand)
|> Transaction.get(Car, :made_by, :brand)
|> Transaction.execute #=> [%Car{vertex: ...}, %Car{vertex: ...}]
## Low level API
See tests for low level usage examples.
## Todo
- [x] Transactions
- [x] Graph operations
- [x] Full text search
- [x] AQL support, query builder
- [ ] waitForSync option
- [ ] VelocyStream API
## Installation
The package can be installed as:
1. Add `xarango` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
[{:xarango, git: "https://gitlab.com/Rebhu_Computing/open-source/xarango.git"}]
2. Ensure `xarango` is started before your application:
def application do
[applications: [:xarango]]
## Documentation
You can generate the documentation by simply running `mix docs`
## Why isn't the library available on Hex
The original author `Michel Benevento` published this project. We are looking for ways to publish this project on **hex**, if you have some insights then share them in the [issue #1](https://gitlab.com/Rebhu_Computing/open-source/xarango/issues/1).
## When will you add more features
We are a 2 member team of developers here at Rebhu Computing. As a result, we cannot support the project full-time. We are supporting the library on best efforts basis. Our priority is adding mission critical features and removing bugs from the library. We will add more HTTP API features in the future.
**If you need a particular feature urgently then please fork the library, add tests, put the code, and open pull requests. We are actively accepting well written and tested PRs.** Read `STYLE-GUIDE.md` and `CONTRIBUTING.md` for more about practices.