# Elixir Xattr

[![API Docs](](

A library for accessing and manipulating **custom** [extended filesystem attributes]( Main goals are to provide straightforward API and portability, both Windows (ADS) and Unix (xattr) platforms are supported.

This library doesn't aim to be general extended filesystem attributes library, because implementation details greately differ between supported platforms. Rather, it focuses on providing portable way for client application to store and read some metadata in files. Attributes are stored in isolation, in *xattr* backend in `user.ElixirXattr` namespace and in *Windows* backend in `ElixirXattr` data stream. For details see *Implementation* section in module docs.

## Example

iex(1)> File.touch!("foo.txt")
iex(2)> Xattr.set("foo.txt", "hello", "world")
iex(3)> Xattr.get("foo.txt", "hello")
{:ok, "world"}
iex(4)> Xattr.set("foo.txt", "foo", "bar")
{:ok, ["hello", "foo"]}
iex(6)> Xattr.rm("foo.txt", "hello")
{:ok, ["foo"]}

## Installation

The package can be installed by adding `xattr` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
  [{:xattr, "~> 0.1"}]