# Configure a loader
A loader returns the data for a remote schema. The remote schemas are defined
in a schema like this.
properties: %{
int: {:ref, "http://localhost:1234/int.exon"}
A loader will be configured like this.
config :xema, loader: My.Loader
A loader is a module which use the behaviour `Xema.Loader`.
defmodule My.Loader do
@moduledoc false
@behaviour Xema.Loader
@spec fetch(binary) :: {:ok, map} | {:error, any}
def fetch(uri) do
with {:ok, response} <- get(uri), do: eval(response, uri)
defp get(uri) do
case HTTPoison.get(uri) do
{:ok, %HTTPoison.Response{status_code: 200, body: body}} ->
{:ok, body}
{:ok, %HTTPoison.Response{status_code: 404}} ->
{:error, "Remote schema '#{uri}' not found."}
{:ok, %HTTPoison.Response{status_code: code}} ->
{:error, "code: #{code}"}
{:error, reason} ->
{:error, reason}
defp eval(str, uri) do
{data, _} = Code.eval_string(str)
{:ok, data}
error -> {:error, %{error | file: URI.to_string(uri)}}
The function `fetch/1` will be called by `Xema` and expects an `%URI{}`. The
return value must be a tuple of `:ok` and the required data for a schema or an
error tuple.
**Note!** This loader use `Code.eval_string/1` and eval is always evil.
> **Warning:** string can be any Elixir code and will be executed with the same
> privileges as the Erlang VM: this means that such code could compromise the
> machine (for example by executing system commands). Don’t use `eval_string/3`
> with untrusted input (such as strings coming from the network).
> -- Elixir API
## File loader
A loader to read schema from the local file system.
In the schema:
properties: %{
int: {:ref, "int.exon"}
The loader:
defmodule My.Loader do
@moduledoc false
@behaviour Xema.Loader
@spec fetch(binary) :: {:ok, map} | {:error, any}
def fetch(uri) do
|> Path.join(uri.path)
|> File.read!()
|> eval(uri)
defp eval(str, uri) do
{data, _} = Code.eval_string(str)
{:ok, data}
error -> {:error, %{error | file: URI.to_string(uri)}}
## JSON Schema loader
If the scheme is created with `Xema.from_json_schema/2`, the loader must return
the decoded JSON.
In this case the file loader looks like this:
defmodule My.Loader do
@moduledoc false
@behaviour Xema.Loader
@spec fetch(binary) :: {:ok, map} | {:error, any}
def fetch(uri) do
|> Path.join(uri.path)
|> File.read!()
|> Jason.decode()