# Xfighter

An API wrapper for the programming game [Stockfighter](

*Warning:* the Xfighter code is in flux at the moment. Until version 1.0 expect breakage and
backward-incompatible changes.

## Installation

To use Xfighter in your Mix projects:

  1. Add xfighter to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

  def deps do
      [{:xfighter, "~> 0.1.0"}]

  2. Ensure xfighter is started before your application:

  def application do
      [applications: [:xfighter]]

  4. Add the following line to your `config/config.exs` and insert your API key:

  config :xfighter, api_key: "INSERT_YOUR_API_KEY_HERE"

  3. To download and install the package run:

  mix deps.get
  mix deps.compile

## Overview

Once the installation is complete, type the following command in your terminal:

iex -S mix
You should now be able to play Stockfighter. You can find a complete documentation
[here]( for function return types.

### Check if the API is up

iex> Xfighter.heartbeat

### Check if a venue is up

iex> Xfighter.Venue.heartbeat("TESTEX")
### Stocks on a venue

iex> Xfighter.Stock.list("TESTEX")

### The orderbook for a stock

iex> Xfighter.Stock.orderbook("FOOBAR", "TESTEX")

### Place an order for a stock

#Buy order
iex>, "FOOBAR", "TESTEX", "EXB123456", "market")
iex>, "FOOBAR", "TESTEX", "EXB123456", "limit", 50.16)
iex>, "FOOBAR", "TESTEX", "EXB123456", "fok", 40)
iex>, "FOOBAR", "TESTEX", "EXB123456", "ioc", 20.5)

#Sell order
iex> Xfighter.Stock.sell(10, "FOOBAR", "TESTEX", "EXB123456", "market")
iex> Xfighter.Stock.sell(10, "FOOBAR", "TESTEX", "EXB123456", "limit", 50.16)
iex> Xfighter.Stock.sell(10, "FOOBAR", "TESTEX", "EXB123456", "fok", 40)
iex> Xfighter.Stock.sell(10, "FOOBAR", "TESTEX", "EXB123456", "ioc", 20.5)

### A quote for a stock

iex> Xfighter.Stock.quote("FOOBAR", "TESTEX")

### Status for an existing order

iex> Xfighter.Order.status(1649, "FOOBAR", "TESTEX")

Or if you have an existing `order` of type `Xfighter.Order.t`.

iex> Xfighter.Order.status(order)

### Cancel an order

iex> Xfighter.Order.cancel(1649, "FOOBAR", "TESTEX")

Or if you have an existing `order` of type `Xfighter.Order.t`.

iex> Xfighter.Order.cancel(order)

### Status for all orders in an account

iex> Xfighter.Account.status("EXB123456", "TESTEX")
### Status for all orders in a stock

iex> Xfighter.Account.orders("EXB123456", "FOOBAR", "TESTEX")

## License

This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT License.