# Xlerl
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Standalone minimal XLSX editing library in erlang.
Xlerl allows to quickly edit any XLSX file. Data is unpacked with zip and internal XML files are parsed and written with xmerl.
## Features
This library was built with the simple requirement of editing existing xlsx templates by reading and writing in arbitrary cells on arbitrary sheets.
- Open the xlsx zip file parsing *ALL* xml elements with xmerl.
- Read single cells
- Write single cells
- Export the edited XML back into a zip file
## Example
Parse, read, write and then export.
Filename = "spreadsheets.xlsx",
{ok, Binary} = file:read_file(Filename),
% Parse
{ok, Xlsx} = xlerl:parse({Filename, Binary}),
% You get a map of the whole zip, like:
% #{InternalFilenamePath := XmerlParsedContent} = Xlsx,
% Read
V = case xlerl:read("MySheet", "A", "1", Xlsx) of
empty -> 0.0;
{error,E} -> error(E);
V -> V
% Write
NewXlsx = xlerl:write("MySheet", "A", "1", V + 1.0, Xlsx),
% Export and recreate the zip
{ok, {Filename, NewBinary}} = xlerl:render(Filename, NewXlsx),
file:write_file(Filename, NewBinary),