XML Builder

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## Overview

An Elixir library for building XML. It is inspired by the late [Jim Weirich]('s awesome [builder]( library for Ruby.

Each XML node is structured as a tuple of name, attributes map, and content/list.

{name, attrs, content | list}

## Installation

Add dependency to your project's `mix.exs`:

def deps do
  [{:xml_builder, "~> 2.1"}]

## Examples

### A simple element

Like `<person id="12345">Josh</person>`, would look like:

{:person, %{id: 12345}, "Josh"} |> XmlBuilder.generate

### An element with child elements

Like `<person id="12345"><first>Josh</first><last>Nussbaum</last></person>`.

{:person, %{id: 12345}, [{:first, nil, "Josh"}, {:last, nil, "Nussbaum"}]} |> XmlBuilder.generate

### Convenience Functions

For more readability, you can use XmlBuilder's methods instead of creating tuples manually.

XmlBuilder.document(:person, "Josh") |> XmlBuilder.generate


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

#### Building up an element

An element can be built using multiple calls to the `element` function.

import XmlBuilder

def person(id, first, last) do
  element(:person, %{id: id}, [
    element(:first, first),
    element(:last, last)

iex> [person(123, "Steve", "Jobs"),
      person(456, "Steve", "Wozniak")] |> generate


<person id="123">
<person id="456">

#### Using keyed lists

The previous example can be simplified using a keyed list.

import XmlBuilder

def person(id, first, last) do
  element(:person, %{id: id}, first: first,
                              last: last)

iex> person(123, "Josh", "Nussbaum") |> generate(format: :none)
"<person id=\"123\"><first>Josh</first><last>Nussbaum</last></person>"

#### Namespaces

To use a namespace, add an `xmlns` attribute to the root element.

To use multiple schemas, specify a `xmlns:nsName` attribute for each schema and use a colon `:` in the element name, ie `nsName:elementName`.

import XmlBuilder

iex> generate({:example, [xmlns: "http://schemas.example.tld/1999"], "content"})
"<example xmlns=\"http://schemas.example.tld/1999\">content</example>"

iex> generate({:"nsName:elementName", ["xmlns:nsName": "http://schemas.example.tld/1999"], "content"})
"<nsName:elementName xmlns:nsName=\"http://schemas.example.tld/1999\">content</nsName:elementName>"

### DOCTYPE declarations

A DOCTYPE can be declared by applying the `doctype` function at the first position of a list of elements in a `document` definition:

import XmlBuilder

  doctype("html", public: ["-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN",
  element(:html, "Hello, world!")
]) |> generate


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html>Hello, world!</html>

### CDATA declarations

An example of how to add cdata to an element:

import XmlBuilder

  {:cdata, "mydata"}
) |> generate



### Encoding

While the output is always UTF-8 and has to be converted in another place, you can override the encoding statement in the XML declaration with the `encoding` option.

import XmlBuilder

|> generate(encoding: "ISO-8859-1")
|> :unicode.characters_to_binary(:unicode, :latin1)


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

### Using `iodata()` directly

While by default, output from `generate/2` is converted to `binary()`, you can use `generate_iodata/2` to skip this conversion. This can be convenient if you're using `IO.binwrite/2` on a `:raw` IO device, as these APIs can work with `iodata()` directly, leading to some performance gains.

In some scenarios, it may be beneficial to generate part of your XML upfront, for instance when generating a `sitemap.xml`, you may have shared fields for `author`. Instead of generating this each time, you could do the following:

import XmlBuilder

entries = [%{title: "Test", url: ""}]

# Generate static author data upfront
author = generate_iodata(element(:author, [
  element(:name, "John Doe"),
  element(:uri, "")

file =!("path/to/file", [:raw])

for entry <- entries do
  iodata =
    generate_iodata(element(:entry, [
      # Reuse the static pre-generated fields as-is
      {:iodata, author},

      # Dynamic elements are generated for each entry
      element(:title, entry.title),
      element(:link, entry.url)

  IO.binwrite(file, iodata)

### Escaping

XmlBuilder offers 3 distinct ways to control how content of tags is escaped and handled:

- By default, any content is escaped, replacing reserved characters (`& " ' < >`) with their equivalent entity (`&amp;` etc.)
- If content is wrapped in `{:cdata, cdata}`, the content in `cdata` is wrapped with `<![CDATA[...]]>`, and not escaped. You should make sure the content itself does not contain `]]>`.
- If content is wrapped in `{:safe, data}`, the content in `data` is not escaped, but will be stringified if not a bitstring. Use this option carefully. It may be useful when data is guaranteed to be safe (numeric data).
- If content is wrapped in `{:iodata, data}`, either in the top level or within a list, the `data` is used as `iodata()`, and will not be escaped, indented or stringified. An example of this can be seen in the "Using `iodata()` directly" example above.

### Standalone

Should you need `standalone="yes"` in the XML declaration, you can pass `standalone: true` as option to the `generate/2` call.

import XmlBuilder

|> generate(standalone: true)


<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>

If otherwise you need `standalone ="no"` in the XML declaration, you can pass `standalone: false` as an option to the` generate / 2` call.


<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>

### Formatting

To remove indentation, pass `format: :none` option to `XmlBuilder.generate/2`.

doc |> XmlBuilder.generate(format: :none)

The default is to formatting with indentation, which is equivalent to `XmlBuilder.generate(doc, format: :indent)`.

## License

This source code is licensed under the [MIT License]( Copyright (c) 2014-present, Joshua Nussbaum. All rights reserved.