# XmlJson

Should you convert XML to JSON? Probably not.

If you have to though (and have decent control over the providers and consumers of the XML and JSON), then there are some decent conventions out there for lossless and near-lossless conversion, such as:
- [`abdera`](
- [`badgerfish`](
- [`cobra`](
- [`gdata`](
- [`parker`]( (pretty lossy, but my personal favorite)
- [`yahoo`]( (okay, maybe they're not all great, but they tried)

Presently this only supports Parker and BadgerFish and is largely happy path testing with the examples provided by each convention. That being said, eventually this will come up to a `> 0` major version when that is all worked out.

Otherwise, this does NOT handle massive XML documents with grace, as it converts to a full JSON/Map object in memory.

A port of the great Python library [`xmljson`](

## Usage

### Parker
iex> XmlJson.Parker.deserialize("<root><dog>cat</dog></root>", preserve_root: true)
{:ok, %{"root" => %{"dog" => "cat"}}}

iex> XmlJson.Parker.serialize(%{"root" => %{"dog" => "cat"}}, preserve_root: "root")
{:ok, "<root><dog>cat</dog></root>"}

### BadgerFish
iex> XmlJson.BadgerFish.deserialize("<root attr=\"hello\"><dog>cat</dog></root>")
{:ok, %{"root" => %{"@attr" => "hello", "dog" => %{"$" => "cat"}}}}

iex> XmlJson.BadgerFish.serialize(%{"root" => %{"@attr" => "hello", "dog" => %{"$" => "cat"}}})
{:ok, "<root attr=\"hello\"><dog>cat</dog></root>"}

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `xml_json` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:xml_json, "~> 0.1.0"}

Documentation can be generated with [ExDoc](
and published on [HexDocs]( Once published, the docs can
be found at [](