# xo
A [Tic-tac-toe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tic-tac-toe) library for Gleam.
## An example
import gleam/io
import gleam/string
import xo.{X}
pub fn main() {
let game0 = xo.start(X)
let assert Ok(game1) = xo.play(game0, #(1, 1)) // X
let assert Ok(game2) = xo.play(game1, #(0, 0)) // O
let assert Error(xo.OutOfBounds(#(3, 3))) = xo.play(game2, #(3, 3))
let assert Error(xo.Occupied(#(1, 1))) = xo.play(game2, #(1, 1))
let assert Ok(game3) = xo.play(game2, #(2, 2)) // X
let assert Ok(game4) = xo.play(game3, #(2, 1)) // O
// => o...x..ox
// Where should I play?
let moves = xo.get_smart_moves(game4)
// => [#(0, 2), #(1, 2)]
let assert Ok(game5) = xo.play(game4, #(1, 2)) // X
// It doesn't matter where you play now,
// you're going to lose
let assert Ok(game6) = xo.play(game5, #(0, 2)) // O
// Make the winning play
let assert Ok(game7) = xo.play(game6, #(1, 0)) // X
// => State(X, X, Win(X, [#(#(1, 0), #(1, 1), #(1, 2))]))
// ^ ^ ^
// | | |__ outcome
// | |_____ turn
// |________ first
## The public API at a glance
Player, next_turn
Game, start
Position, PlayError, play
Rules, default_rules, play_again
State, Outcome, Line, to_state
Tile, map
get_random_move, get_smart_moves