# Xray

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Xray is an academic exploration of strings and encodings in [Elixir](

It offers utility functions useful for inspecting strings and their code points to better understand strings and encodings.

## Examples

The `Xray.inspect/1` function gives you a deep introspection on a string:

iex> Xray.inspect("cät")
    Input String: cät
    Character Count: 3
    Byte Count: 4
    Is valid? true
    Is printable? true

    c   Codepoint: 99 (\u0063)
      Is printable? true
      Script(s): latin
      Byte Count: 1
      UTF-8: <<99>>
      Base2: 01100011

    ä   Codepoint: 228 (\u00E4)
      Is printable? true
      Script(s): latin
      Byte Count: 2
      UTF-8: <<195, 164>>
      Base2: 11000011 10100100

    t   Codepoint: 116 (\u0074)
      Is printable? true
      Script(s): latin
      Byte Count: 1
      UTF-8: <<116>>
      Base2: 01110100
    [:ok, :ok, :ok]

The `Xray.codepoint/2` function provides the code point for a single character -- functionally, this is equivalent to what the question-mark operator `?` does, but `Xray.codepoint/2` allows you to inspect a variable (whereas `?` only operates on literal values):

iex> Xray.codepoint("ä")

`Xray.codepoints/2` allows you to inspect the component codepoint numbers that make up the given string:

iex> Xray.codepoints("cät")
      "99, 228, 116"

See [Xray Hex Docs]( for more info.

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `xray` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:xray, "~> 1.2.0"}

Documentation can be generated with [ExDoc](
and published on [HexDocs]( Once published, the docs can
be found at [](

## On Codepoints vs Graphemes

iex> String.codepoints("🇺🇸")
["🇺", "🇸"]
iex> String.split("🇺🇸", "", trim: true)
iex> "🇺🇸" <><<0>>
<<240, 159, 135, 186, 240, 159, 135, 184, 0>>

## See Also

Some interesting articles

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