# XtbClient

[![Elixir CI](](

Elixir client for the XTB trading platform.

Library provides simple client written as `GenServer` intended to be started as a process to communicate with XTB server.

As all regular OTP processes, the process for `XtbClient.Connection` could be supervised, registered locally or in distributed environment, monitored, traced, linked to other processes etc.

## Installation

Package could be added as a link to GitHub repo:

def deps do
    {:xtb_client_ex, github: ""}    

When [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `xtb_client_ex` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:xtb_client_ex, "~> 0.1.0"}

## Usage
Find more examples in the folder `examples/`.

### Starting client connection
params = %{app_name: "XtbClient", type: :demo, url: "wss://", user: "<<USER_ID>>", password: "<<PASSWORD>>"}

{:ok, pid} = XtbClient.Connection.start_link(params)

### Subscribe to tick prices

{:ok, lpid} = StreamListener.start_link(%{})
params = %{app_name: "XtbClient", type: :demo, url: "wss://", user: "<<USER_ID>>", password: "<<PASSWORD>>"}
{:ok, cpid} = XtbClient.Connection.start_link(params)

args = %{symbol: "LITECOIN"}
query =
XtbClient.Connection.subscribe_get_tick_prices(cpid, lpid, query)

Listener handle info: {:ok,
   ask: 131.45,
   ask_volume: 250,
   bid: 130.46,
   bid_volume: 250,
   exe_mode: nil,
   high: 132.38,
   level: 3,
   low: 127.94,
   quote_id: :five,
   spread_raw: 0.99,
   spread_table: 0.99,
   symbol: "LITECOIN",
   timestamp: ~U[2022-03-28 21:31:21.126Z]
Listener handle info: {:ok,
   ask: 131.54,
   ask_volume: 500,
   bid: 130.39,
   bid_volume: 500,
   exe_mode: nil,
   high: 132.38,
   level: 4,
   low: 127.94,
   quote_id: :five,
   spread_raw: 1.15,
   spread_table: 1.15,
   symbol: "LITECOIN",
   timestamp: ~U[2022-03-28 21:31:21.126Z]

### Subscribe to candles

{ok, lpid} = StreamListener.start_link(%{})

params = %{app_name: "XtbClient", type: :demo, url: "wss://", user: "<<USER_ID>>", password: "<<PASSWORD>>"}
{:ok, cpid} = XtbClient.Connection.start_link(params)

args = "LITECOIN"
query =
XtbClient.Connection.subscribe_get_candles(cpid, lpid, query)

Listener handle info: {:ok,
   close: 130.69,
   ctm: ~U[2022-03-28 21:29:00.000Z],
   ctm_string: "Mar 28, 2022, 11:29:00 PM",
   high: 130.7,
   low: 130.63,
   open: 130.64,
   quote_id: :five,
   symbol: "LITECOIN",
   vol: 257.0
Listener handle info: {:ok,
   close: 130.65,
   ctm: ~U[2022-03-28 21:30:00.000Z],
   ctm_string: "Mar 28, 2022, 11:30:00 PM",
   high: 130.7,
   low: 130.64,
   open: 130.68,
   quote_id: :five,
   symbol: "LITECOIN",
   vol: 216.0

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