# YProcess
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A behaviour module for implementing a server of a client-server relation with
publisher-subscriber capabilities. This is a generalized implementation of a
publisher subscriber using `:pg2` library using a `GenServer`.
This project is heavily inspired by
## Solution using `:pg2`
defmodule Consumer do
def subscribe(channel, callback) do
:pg2.join(channel, self)
loop(channel, callback)
defp loop(channel, callback) do
receive do
:stop -> :stopped
message ->
try do
_, _ -> :stopped
:ok -> loop(channel, callback)
:stop -> :stopped
defmodule Publisher do
def create(channel) do
def publish(channel, message) do
|> :pg2.get_members
|> Enum.map(&(send(&1, message)))
When testing these modules in `iex`:
iex(1)> Publisher.create("channel")
iex(2)> callback = fn message -> IO.inspect {self, message} end
#Function<6.54118792/1 in :erl_eval.expr/5>
iex(3)> spawn fn -> Consumer.subscribe("channel", callback) end
iex(4)> spawn fn -> Consumer.subscribe("channel", callback) end
iex(5)> Publisher.publish("channel", "hello")
{#PID<0.168.0>, "hello"}
{#PID<0.170.0>, "hello"}
If we wrap this around a `GenServer` we would have a better way to handle
messages in the `Consumers`. Depending on the approach, the messages could be
received either in `handle_call/3` (`GenServer.call/3`), `handle_cast/2`
(`GenServer.cast/2`) or `handle_info/2` (`send/2`). `YProcess` wraps around
`GenServer` behaviour adding a new callback: `handle_event/3` to handle the
messages coming from the processes the current `YProcess` is subscribed.
## Callbacks
There are seven callbacks required to be implemented in a `YProcess`. Six of
them are the same as `GenServer` but with some other possible return values
to join, leave, create, delete and emit messages (ackknowledged or not) to
other processes. The seventh callback is `handle_event/3`. It should be used
to handle the messages coming from other process if the current process is
subscribed to the channel they are broadcasting the messages.
## Example
Let's define a `Producer` that every second generates a number between 1 and
10 and sends it to a `Consumer` that prints the number.
So the `Producer` is as follows:
defmodule Producer do
use YProcess
def start_link(channel) do
YProcess.start_link(__MODULE__, channel)
def stop(producer) do
def init(channel) do
_ = :os.system_time(:seconds) |> :random.seed
{:create, [channel], [channel], 1000}
def handle_info(:timeout, channels) do
number = :erlang.trunc(:random.uniform * 10)
{:emit, channels, number, channels, 1000}
And the `Consumer` is as follows:
defmodule Consumer do
use YProcess
def start_link(:channel) do
YProcess.start_link(__MODULE__, :channel)
def stop(consumer) do
def init(channel) do
{:join, [channel], channel}
def handle_event(channel, number, channel) when is_integer(number) do
IO.inspect {self, number}
{:noreply, channel}
So when we start a `Producer` and several `Consumer`s we would have the
following output:
iex(1)> {:ok, producer} = Producer.start_link(:channel)
{:ok, #PID<0.189.0>}
iex(2)> {:ok, consumer0} = Consumer.start_link(:channel)
{:ok, #PID<0.192.0>}
{#PID<0.192.0>, 7}
{#PID<0.192.0>, 8}
iex(3)> {:ok, consumer1} = Consumer.start_link(:channel)
{:ok, #PID<0.194.0>}
{#PID<0.192.0>, 0}
{#PID<0.194.0>, 0}
{#PID<0.192.0>, 2}
{#PID<0.194.0>, 2}
{#PID<0.192.0>, 7}
{#PID<0.194.0>, 7}
iex(4)> Consumer.stop(consumer0)
{#PID<0.194.0>, 2}
{#PID<0.194.0>, 6}
{#PID<0.194.0>, 1}
## Backends
The backend behaviour defines the way the processes create, delete, join, leave
channels and emit messages. By default, the processes use the
`YProcess.Backend.PG2` backend that uses `:pg2`, but it is possible to use the
`YProcess.Backend.PhoenixPubSub` that uses phoenix pubsub and also use any of
its adapters.
The backend behaviour needs to implement the following callbacks:
# Callback to create a `channel`.
@callback create(channel) :: :ok | {:error, reason}
when channel: YProcess.channel, reason: term
# Callback to delete a `channel`.
@callback delete(channel) :: :ok | {:error, reason}
when channel: YProcess.channel, reason: term
# Callback used to make a process with `pid` a `channel`.
@callback join(channel, pid) :: :ok | {:error, reason}
when channel: YProcess.channel, reason: term
# Callback used to make a process with `pid` leave a `channel`.
@callback leave(channel, pid) :: :ok | {:error, reason}
when channel: YProcess.channel, reason: term
# Callback used to send a `message` to a `channel`.
@callback emit(channel, message) :: :ok | {:error, reason}
when channel: YProcess.channel, message: term, reason: term
To use a backend, just modify the configuration of the application (explained in
the next sections) or pass the backend in the module definition i.e:
defmodule Test do
use YProcess, backend: YProcess.Backend.PhoenixPubSub
For the backends provided, there are two aliases for the modules:
* `:pg2` for `YProcess.Backend.PG2`
* `:phoenix_pub_sub` for `YProcess.Backend.PhoenixPubSub`
The shorter version of the module `Test` defined above would be:
defmodule Test do
use YProcess, backend: :phoenix_pub_sub
### Backend Configuration
To configure the backend globally for all the `YProcess`es just set the following:
* For `YProcess.Backend.PG2`
use Mix.Config
config :y_process,
backend: YProces.Backend.PG2
* For `YProcess.Backend.PhoenixPubSub`
use Mix.Config
config :y_process,
backend: YProcess.Backend.PhoenixPubSub
opts: [app_name: MyApp.Endpoint]
# Phoenix PubSub configuration. Look at Phoenix PubSub documentation
# for more information.
config :my_app, MyApp.Endpoint,
pubsub: [adapter: Phoenix.PubSub.PG2,
pool_size: 1,
name: MyApp.PubSub]
where `:my_app` is the name of the application.
## Installation
Add `YProcess` as a dependency in your `mix.exs` file.
def deps do
[{:y_process, "~> 0.1.4"}]
After you're done, run this in your shell to fetch the new dependency:
$ mix deps.get
## Author
Alexander de Sousa
## Credits
`YProcess` owns its existence to the extensive study and "code borrowing" from
## License
`YProcess` is released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for further