# YAML Parser for Elixir
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This is a wrapper for [yamerl](https://github.com/yakaz/yamerl) - a native Erlang `YAML` parser which brings all of the functionalities to Elixir language.
## Installation
Add `:yaml_elixir` as a dependency in your `mix.exs` file.
defp deps do
# ...
{:yaml_elixir, "~> x.x"},
Where `x.x.x` equals the version in [`mix.exs`](mix.exs) (you can omit the last `x`). **Always make sure to use the latest version**.
Once you've done that, run `mix deps.get` in your command line to fetch the dependency.
## Usage
With `YamlElixir` you have an access to two functionalities: one for parsing a string and an another one for parsing a file.
Run `iex -S mix` in your terminal to try how their works.
### Parsing a string
yaml = """
a: a
b: 1
c: true
d: ~
e: nil
" a: a\n b: 1\n c: true\n d: ~\n e: nil\n"
{:ok, %{"a" => "a", "b" => 1, "c" => true, "d" => nil, "e" => "nil"}}
### Parsing a file
path = Path.join(File.cwd!(), "test/fixtures/flat.yml")
{:ok, %{"a" => "a", "b" => 1, "c" => true, "d" => nil, "e" => []}}
### Support for atoms
By default, all map keys are processed as strings, as are all bareword or quoted
If you prefer to autodetect keys and values that begin with `:` as atoms, this can be accomplished by passing `atoms: true` as an option to any of the `read_*` functions.
yaml = """
a: a
b: 1
c: true
d: ~
e: nil
:f: :atom
" a: a\n b: 1\n c: true\n d: ~\n e: nil\n"
YamlElixir.read_from_string(yaml, atoms: true)
{:ok, %{:f => :atom, "a" => "a", "b" => 1, "c" => true, "d" => nil, "e" => "nil"}}
Atoms are not garbage collected by `BEAM`, so be careful with this option, and
don't use it with user-supplied input.
If you enable autodetection of atoms, any string values entered (e.g. `":not_really_an_atom"`) will be converted to atoms, as well. If you only need to support a few atom values, it _might_ be better to enable `yamerl's` custom tag for atoms:
:yamerl_app.set_param(:node_mods, [:yamerl_node_erlang_atom])
and then using the somewhat inconvenient syntax for it:
atom_key: !<tag:yamerl,2012:atom> atom_value
### Support for keyword lists
Keyword lists can be returned in two ways. Either all maps can be transformed into keyword
lists via the option `maps_as_keywords: true` or individually with a tag. To mark a block
as a keyword list you must first pass in the node module which can process the tokens:
:yamerl_app.set_param(:node_mods, [YamlElixir.Node.KeywordList])
and then tag the desired block:
foo: !<tag:yaml_elixir,2019:keyword_list>
foo: bar
bar: foo
This will return:
%{"prod" => %{"foo" => [{"bar", "foo"}, {"foo", "bar"}]}}
Note that due to a quirk in how `yamerl` parses YAML documents, using the flow style with
this tag will not work. Do not expect your document to be processed if you write your
YAML like this:
foo: !<tag:yaml_elixir,2019:keyword_list> {foo: bar, bar: foo}
### Elixir Sigil
The `YamlElixir.Sigil` module provides the `~y` sigil that can be useful for example for keeping short configurations or other inlined YAML.
import YamlElixir.Sigil
@config ~y"""
debug: false
port: 9200
- some/file.csv
- another/file.csv
Use the `a` sigil modifier to turn on atom values from YAML:
~y":answer: yes"a
You can find more examples in [`test` directory](https://github.com/KamilLelonek/yaml-elixir/blob/master/test/yaml_elixir_test.exs).
### Merging anchors
In case your YAML contains [anchors](http://blogs.perl.org/users/tinita/2019/05/reusing-data-with-yaml-anchors-aliases-and-merge-keys.html), you can have these resolved by passing `merge_anchors: true`:
yaml = """
foo: &foo
bar: 42
<<: *foo
" foo: &foo\n bar: 42\n baz:\n <<: *foo\n"
YamlElixir.read_from_string(yaml, merge_anchors: true)
will result in
%{"yaml" => %{"foo" => %{"bar" => 42}, "baz" => %{"bar" => 42}}}
## Mix tasks
Sometimes, you may want to use `yaml_elixir` in your `mix` tasks. To do that, you must ensure that the application has started.
After that, you will be able to use `:yaml-elixir` in your `mix` tasks.
## Contribution
In case of any problems or suggestions do not hesitate and create a pull request.
### Credits
- [bobbypriambodo](https://github.com/bobbypriambodo)
- [Hajto](https://github.com/Hajto)
- [sambooo](https://github.com/sambooo)
- [ernie](https://github.com/ernie)
- [sibsibsib](https://github.com/sibsibsib)
- [vic](https://github.com/vic)
- [rothsberg](https://github.com/rothsberg)
- [msimonborg](https://github.com/msimonborg)
- [mononym](https://github.com/mononym)
- [EugeneOsadchyi](https://github.com/EugeneOsadchyi)
- [TylerPachal](https://github.com/TylerPachal)
- [kianmeng](https://github.com/kianmeng)
- [floriank](https://github.com/floriank)
- [coryodaniel](https://github.com/coryodaniel)
- [simonmcconnell](https://github.com/simonmcconnell)
## Copyright and License
Copyright (c) 2022 Kamil Lelonek
This library is MIT licensed. See the
[LICENSE](https://github.com/KamilLelonek/yaml-elixir/blob/master/LICENSE.txt) for details.