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> *Yggdrasil* is an immense mythical tree that connects the nine worlds in
> Norse cosmology.

`Yggdrasil` is an agnostic publisher/subscriber:

- Multi-node pubsub.
- Simple API (`subscribe/1`, `unsubscribe/1`, `publish/2`).
- `GenServer` wrapper for handling subscriber events easily.
- Several fault tolerant adapters:
  + [RabbitMQ](
  + [PostgreSQL](
  + [Redis](
  + [GraphQL](

## Small Example

The following example uses the Elixir distribution to send the messages:

iex(1)> Yggdrasil.subscribe(name: "my_channel")
iex(2)> flush()
{:Y_CONNECTED, %Yggdrasil.Channel{...}}

and to publish a for the subscribers:

iex(3)> Yggdrasil.publish([name: "my_channel"], "message")
iex(4)> flush()
{:Y_EVENT, %Yggdrasil.Channel{...}, "message"}

When the subscriber wants to stop receiving messages, then it can unsubscribe
from the channel:

iex(6)> Yggdrasil.unsubscribe(name: "my_channel")
iex(7)> flush()
{:Y_DISCONNECTED, %Yggdrasil.Channel{...}}

For convinience, `Yggdrasil` is also a `GenServer` wrapper for subscribing
to one or several channels e.g the following `Subscriber` prints every message
it receives from the channel `[name: "my_channel"]`:

defmodule Subscriber do
  use Yggdrasil

  def start_link do
    channel = [name: "my_channel"]
    Yggdrasil.start_link(__MODULE__, [channel])

  @impl true
  def handle_event(_channel, message, _state) do
    IO.inspect message
    {:ok, nil}

## Channels

Channels, though internally use the struct `Yggdrasil.Channel.t()`, they can be
any map or keyword list with the following keys:

Key           | Default                                   | Meaning
:------------ | :---------------------------------------- | :------
`adapter`     | `:elixir` (OTP message distribution)      | Adapter where subscribers subscribe to and publishers publish to.
`name`        | no defaults                               | Name of the channel. Depends on the adapter.
`transformer` | `:default` (does nothing to the messages) | The way the adapter encodes outgoing messages and decodes incoming messages.
`backend`     | `:default` (`Phonix.PubSub`)              | The way the messages are distributed across nodes.
`namespace`   | `nil`                                     | Name of the configuration of the adapter. This allows several configurations for the same adapter e.g. two different PostgreSQL databases.

This means that the channel `[name: "my_channel"]` actually translates to:

  adapter: :elixir,
  name: "my_channel",
  transformer: :default,
  backend: :default,
  namespace: nil

## Adapters

An adapter is the implementation of the behaviour `Yggdrasil.Adapter`. This
behaviour depends on two other behaviours:

- `Yggdrasil.Subscriber.Adapter` for implementing subscribers for a specific
- `Yggdrasil.Publisher.Adapter` for implementing publishers for a specific

The following are the available adapters and their respective projects:

Adapter         | Yggdrasil Adapter     | Dependencies                                                                | Description
:-------------- | :-------------------- | :-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :---------------------------------------------------
**OTP**         | `:elixir` (default)   | [`:yggdrasil`](                       | Multi node subscriptions
**OTP**         | `:bridge`             | [`:yggdrasil`](                       | Converts any adapter to multi node
**RabbitMQ**    | `:rabbitmq`           | [`:yggdrasil_rabbitmq`](     | Fault tolerant pubsub for exchanges and routing keys
**Redis**       | `:redis`              | [`:yggdrasil_redis`](           | Fault tolerant pubsub for Redis channels
**PostgreSQL**  | `:postgres`           | [`:yggdrasil_postgres`](     | Fault tolerant pubsub for `PG_NOTIFY` messages
**GraphQL**     | `:graphql`            | [`:yggdrasil_graphql`](   | Converts any adapter to a GraphQL subscription

> For more information on how to use them, check the corresponding repository
> documentation.

## Transformers

A transformer is the implementation of the behaviour `Yggdrasil.Transformer`.
In essence implements two functions:

* `decode/2` for decoding messages coming from the adapter.
* `encode/2` for encoding messages going to the adapter

`Yggdrasil` has two implemented transformers:

Transformer | Description
:---------- | :----------
`:default`  | Does nothing to the messages and it is the default transformer used if no transformer has been defined.
`:json`     | Transforms from Elixir maps to string JSONs and viceversa.

## Backends

A backend is the implementation of the behaviour `Yggdrasil.Backend`. The
module is in charge of distributing the messages with a certain format inside
`Yggdrasil`. Currently, there is only one backend, `:default`, and it is used
by default. It uses `Phoenix.PubSub` to distribute the messages.

The messages received by the subscribers when using `:default` backend are:

  * `{:Y_CONNECTED, Yggdrasil.Channel.t()}` when the connection with the
  adapter is established.
  * `{:Y_EVENT, Yggdrasil.Channel.t(), message()}` when a message is received
  from the adapter.
  * `{:Y_DISCONNECTED, Yggdrasil.Channel.t()}` when the connection with the
  adapter is finished due to disconnection or unsubscription.

> This backend is the only backend supported by `Yggdrasil` behaviour.

## Multi node

Though `:elixir` adapter has built-in support for multi node pubsub, that's not
the case with the other adapters. To overcome this limitation, `:bridge`
adapter is capable of connecting to a remote adapter if and only if this adapter
is not present in the current node e.g. let's say we have the following

- Node A has `:yggdrasil`.
- Node B has `:yggdrasil_rabbitmq`.
- The nodes A and B are connected.

Then is possible for the node A to connect to RabbitMQ through node B by using
the `:bridge` adapter:

For subscription:

iex(1)> channel = [
...(1)>   name: [name: {"amq.topic", "foo"}, adapter: :rabbitmq],
...(1)>   adapter: :bridge
...(1)> ]
iex(2)> Yggdrasil.subscribe(channel)
iex(3)> flush()
{:Y_CONNECTED, %Yggdrasil.Channel{(...)}}

and for publishing:

iex(1)> channel = [
...(1)>   name: [name: {"amq.topic", "foo"}, adapter: :rabbitmq],
...(1)>   adapter: :bridge
...(1)> ]
iex(2)> Yggdrasil.publish(channel, "bar")

## Configuration

`Yggdrasil` works out of the box with no special configuration at all. However,
it is possible to tune the publisher pool:

Option              | Default                      | Description
:------------------ | :--------------------------- | :----------
`publisher_options` | `[size: 1, max_overflow: 5]` | `Poolboy` options for publishing. Controls the amount of connections established with the adapter service.

> For more information about configuration using OS environment variables check
> the module `Yggdrasil.Config`.

## Installation

`Yggdrasil` is available as a Hex package. To install, add it to your
dependencies in your `mix.exs` file:

- For Elixir < 1.8 and Erlang < 21

  def deps do
    [{:yggdrasil, "~> 4.1"}]

- For Elixir ≥ 1.8 and Elixir < 1.12 and Erlang ≥ 21 and Erlang < 23

  def deps do
    [{:yggdrasil, "~> 5.0"}]

- For Elixir Elixir ≥ 1.12 and Erlang ≥ 23

  def deps do
    [{:yggdrasil, "~> 6.0"}]

## Author

Alexander de Sousa.

## License

`Yggdrasil` is released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for further