# Redis adapter for Yggdrasil
[](https://travis-ci.org/gmtprime/yggdrasil_redis) [](https://hex.pm/packages/yggdrasil_redis) [](https://hex.pm/packages/yggdrasil_redis)
This project is a Redis adapter for `Yggdrasil` publisher/subscriber.

## Small example
The following example uses Redis adapter to distribute messages:
iex(1)> channel = %Yggdrasil.Channel{name: "some_channel", adapter: :redis}
iex(2)> Yggdrasil.subscribe(channel)
iex(3)> flush()
{:Y_CONNECTED, %Yggdrasil.Channel{(...)}}
and to publish a message for the subscribers:
iex(4)> Yggdrasil.publish(channel, "message")
iex(5)> flush()
{:Y_EVENT, %Yggdrasil.Channel{(...)}, "message"}
When the subscriber wants to stop receiving messages, then it can unsubscribe
from the channel:
iex(6)> Yggdrasil.unsubscribe(channel)
iex(7)> flush()
{:Y_DISCONNECTED, %Yggdrasil.Channel{(...)}}
## Redis adapter
The Redis adapter has the following rules:
* The `adapter` name is identified by the atom `:redis`.
* The channel `name` must be a string.
* The `transformer` must encode to a string. From the `transformer`s provided
it defaults to `:default`, but `:json` can also be used.
* Any `backend` can be used (by default is `:default`).
The following is an example of a valid channel for both publishers and
name: "redis_channel_name",
adapter: :redis,
transformer: :json
It will expect valid JSONs from Redis and it will write valid JSONs in Redis.
## Redis configuration
Uses the list of options for `Redix`, but the more relevant optuons are shown
* `hostname` - Redis hostname (defaults to `"localhost"`).
* `port` - Redis port (defaults to `6379`).
* `password` - Redis password (defaults to `""`).
The following shows a configuration with and without namespace:
# Without namespace
config :yggdrasil,
redis: [hostname: "redis.zero"]
# With namespace
config :yggdrasil, RedisOne,
redis: [
hostname: "redis.one",
port: 1234
Also the options can be provided as OS environment variables. The available
variables are:
where `<NAMESPACE>` is the snakecase of the namespace chosen e.g. for the
namespace `RedisTwo`, you would use `REDIS_TWO` as namespace in the OS
environment variable.
## Installation
Using this Redis adapter with `Yggdrasil` is a matter of adding the available
hex package to your `mix.exs` file e.g:
def deps do
[{:yggdrasil_redis, "~> 4.1"}]
## Running the tests
A `docker-compose.yml` file is provided with the project. If you don't have a
Redis database, but you do have Docker installed, then just do:
$ docker-compose up --build
And in another shell run:
$ mix deps.get
$ mix test
## Relevant projects used
* [`Redix.PubSub`](https://github.com/whatyouhide/redix_pubsub): Redis pubsub.
## Author
Alexander de Sousa.
## License
`Yggdrasil` is released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for further