# ymlr - A YAML Encoder for Elixir

ymlr - A YAML encoder for Elixir.

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## Installation

The package can be installed by adding `ymlr` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:ymlr, "~> 4.0"}

## Examples

See The usage livebook `usage.livemd` for more detailed examples.

### Encode a single document - optionally with comments:

  iex> Ymlr.document!(%{a: 1})
  a: 1

  iex> Ymlr.document!({"comment", %{a: 1}})
  # comment
  a: 1

  iex> Ymlr.document!({["comment 1", "comment 2"], %{"a" => "a", "b" => :b, "c" => "true", "d" => "100"}})
  # comment 1
  # comment 2
  a: a
  b: b
  c: 'true'
  d: '100'

### Encode a multiple documents

iex> Ymlr.documents!([%{a: 1}, %{b: 2}])
a: 1

b: 2

## Support for atoms

By default, atoms as map keys are encoded as strings (without the leading
colon). If you want atoms to be encoded with a leading colon in order to be able
to parse it later using [`YamlElixir`'s `atoms`
option](, you can
pass `atoms: true` as second argument to any of the `Ymlr` module's functions:

iex> Ymlr.document!(%{a: 1}, atoms: true)
:a: 1