# Yodlee

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Elixir library for Yodlee's v1.0 API

Supported Yodlee endpoints:
- [x] Cobrand
- [x] User
- [x] Accounts
- [ ] Holdings
- [x] Providers
- [x] ProviderAccounts
- [x] Transactions
- [ ] Statements
- [ ] Derived
- [x] DataExtracts
- [ ] Refresh

## Usage

Add to your dependencies in `mix.exs`.

def deps do
  [{:yodlee, "~> 0.1"}]

## Configuration

Add the following configuration to your project.

config :yodlee,
  root_uri: "",
  cob_session: nil,
  cobrand_login: "your_cobrand_username",
  cobrand_password: "your_cobrand_password"
  httpoison_options: [timeout: 10_000, recv_timeout: 100_000]

## Tests and Style

This library has sparse test coverage at the moment.

Run tests using `mix test`.

Before making pull requests, run the coverage and style checks.
mix coveralls
mix credo